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Terrible clunk!


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Somewhere between the engine, and the rear wheels three is somthing wrong with my 200TDi defender. Whenever i come off the power sharply (ie: lift off) there is a loud clunk which not only can you hear but also feel through the whole car.

does anyone have any thoughts on what this could be?

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Check you gearbox/engine mounts/ A-frame ball joint/radius arm bushes etc. Look for clean, shiny metal where bushes are concerned (this indicates movement)/ prop U/J's (although they don't really tend to clunk until they are about to let go). There are many things that will clunk, so pinning it down is sometimes a process of elimination - looking at the most likely culprits first.


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Thanks les - i'm very suspicious about this car, the previous owner lied through his teeth about it, apparently the cam belt was changed - ive just had it done and it certainly wasnt done recently, the injection pump was nackered, he said it would be £100 - £700 later i dont quite believe him and apparently the back axle was recently rebuilt.....it appears to be the source of the problem so i doubt its ever been touched

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well worth checking the gearbox output shaft splines. This can be done by removing the dome cover on the transfer box, but if your not sure then get someone to do it for you. Very easy check. Very common fault.

Better not be that, i was told both the gearbox and transfer box were NEW!

Thanks for the suggestions chaps, i shall be crawling under her tomorrow in the daylight to have a look and report back then.

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I've got this on my 110 at the moment. In my experience, UJ's tend to squeak before they get that bad. The gearbox output shaft has a distinct metallic clack that can be heard but not really felt. A really good thump is most likely to be the rear axle A frame - there is quite a heavy component jumping about! Drive flanges are well worth checking anyway - I changed mine after they had failed. I rebushed the A frame with cheap bushes a while ago and I'm confident they have failed again - mainly because I can change lanes just by lifting off or accelerating! Yes I have a Land Rover that suffers from torque steer.


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