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Snorkels again!


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I need a snorkel on my 110 as it is seeing more desert that i had origioanly planned.

currently it has a cage fitted and was origionaly a 2 1/4 diesle so it has no vents in the side of the wings.


I would like to have a snorkle similar to what the camel trophy motors have. i believed this was a mantec dex/04 snorkle 2 3/4 diameter.

having contacted mantec they say it wont fit with a cage?

Looking around i have found a couple of places that show them fitted with a cage.


although im not shure what diameter pipe these are.

idealy i need 2 3/4 to 3" pipe as i would likle the option of fitting a donaldson precleaner to it to save air filters.

if anyone has any ideas of what will fit etc or if anyone has pictures of them fitting it would be great.


Edd Cornish

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I reckon your best bit would be to buy a cheapo one with the flexi pipe and shorten the flexi bit as appropriate and fit it to the cage. You will probably need to get some tags welded to the upright to fix the snorkel pipe too. In reality just about any snorkel counld be made to fit (except perhaps the moulded plastic ones from Safari). I guess Mantec really mean it won't fit out of the box!

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I'd go for a southdown one, which is ideal for a cage. There's pics on Southdown 4x4's site or you can ask for pics in Int'l forum as there is plenty on here that use them.



problem with the southdown is that you cant fit a precleaner as the pipes only 2.5" and the top is not vertical.

its looking like its going to be a custom job. one more thinbg on the list!

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problem with the southdown is that you cant fit a precleaner as the pipes only 2.5" and the top is not vertical.

its looking like its going to be a custom job. one more thinbg on the list!

then get a southdown unit cut the top square and ask Dave to supply the disco reducer 3" to ".5" but invert it and use it to fit the top precleaner.

you would need to check male/female compatibility of the reducer with the precleaner.

Southdown do the system as seconds on ebay i believe, may be worth a look.

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Southdown or bodge a cheapo (Mines a Rebel4x4 one)


Mine uses the Rebel flexi to the bonnet, a bit of stainless steel 90 bend and the original tube to the airbox under the bonnet. The stainles bend in held tight between the heater and washer when the bonnet closes and theres plenty of slack to ope the bonnet.

I like it because its a short easy to inspect route that can't hold water anywhere.

The snorkel upright metal tube is zip tied to the rollcage with very thick zip ties.

Will :)

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