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UNC Bolts


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I live out in euroland, so am having significant problems in getting the right UNC bolts for my V8.

Could anyone suggest a supplier which would ship to me (switzerland) or even better a kindly soul who would get some & post them over? (for appropriate beer tokens obviuosly)

I need 3 off - 5/16 UNC x 6 inches, zinc passivated (goes into cooling water)

and 4 off 3/8 UNC x 4/5 inches approx (engine stand)


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US built John Deeres (and some Cat stuff) use UNC threads. Your local John Deere dealer might be able to help. The problem is that you need a helpful parts man, not just someone who looks at a computer all day and just says "part number?".


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If your buying them mail order I would look at getting them from the states, the fasteners will probably be cheaper

and the post will be less, try boltdepot.com. If you need things like engine stand bolts you can either chop some long M10's down and thread UNC or go to an engineering supply place, they might be able to supply capheads, I can buy long UNC studs and bolts as that's what's used for machine hold down clamps. Your local Harley place will have some UNC stuff.

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