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5th Gear Last Night


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Anybody see it last night and know if its open to 4x4's or any more about it?


I saw it and thought that it looked really good fun, I doubt it's open to 4x4's though as this would make a mockery of the whole thing. They mentioned that it is a great honor to complete every hill climb and that a gold medal is awarded for doing this. I can see why in a 2 wheel drive car but if a 4x4 was to do it, it just wouldn't be a challenge. Fair play to those guys the driving skills was on a par with a 4x4 on much tougher terrain.

PS somebody's already youtubed a brief clip >

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yes in would think he is misquoting i'm almost certan your not alowed to drive bridleways

Depends on if they were driving with land owners permission on private land. Then you can drive on anything, bridleways and footpaths included.


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Looked cool, didn't see any 4x4's there so I'm guessing they're not allowed. Also didn't see anyone running mud tyres, either they're banned or you could do very well with an old RWD beater and a set of Colways ;)

Wonder if they'd allow a Freelander in? :D

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All of these trials / classic events in this area take place on UCR's with the occasional use of maybe one BOAT. Most of the UCR's here are stone or rock based and can be used in all weathers without risk of damage. A far bigger problem on our lanes is natural erosion. The organizers of these events are excellent and do it in full cooperation with the County Council ROW dept AND other users groups...............

The short clip of the hill climb section featured in the program (and on the Youtube clip) is about 2 miles from me and a UCR that I have driven for over 30 years. It is a smooth slick rock section and its incline is deceptive.................. it is used for many classic car and motorcycle events...............

I think you will find it is this lane..............although the photo on my son going down it does not do the section justice............ the picture is takenm from about a third of the way down..........




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Yes, I saw it. No 4x4's allowed but I was pleased to see several Marlin Roadsters taking part. I built a Marlin many years ago before my first landy, and used it for greenlaning and for blasting around on tarmac.

Brilliant little car, which took me along much of the ridgeway, if you get stuck in the ruts you just get out and lift it out. No jack needed

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About ten years ago I competed in a 90 with Ali co-driving but it was a road rally for 4x4's as there not normally allowed.

We were competing on amazing green lanes and very very unPC now.

At one point we stopped in the track to let some seriously fast moving V8's by and needed Low box to get going again

I think it was the Don Burrows or Brooks something like that we retired unwittingly on the last section and gave away third overall (navigation wins the event not only speed)

Started at 10 pm and finished at 6am we only did a few but they were soooo much fun

If you have the land owners consent like I would expect that event has then whats stopping them from driving on bridleways (if its on Private land with the owners consent)

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Slightly going O/T here but I thought a bridleway was a bridleway and such that motor veh were prohibited from using them legaly. If you can use them with the land owners permission if it crosses their land then why can't you get the land owners permissiont to drive RUPPs or Restricted Byways now. Effectively it's the same thing. Land owner giving permission to drive what is otherwise an illegal lane. Or perhaps I'm missing the point.

Went to a few a couple of years back and some of the places they went was outstanding. Seeing road cars struggling up over Porte Lane on Exmoor was priceless. I've seen V8 LR struggle to get up over.

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If you can use them with the land owners permission if it crosses their land then why can't you get the land owners permissiont to drive RUPPs or Restricted Byways now. Effectively it's the same thing. Land owner giving permission to drive what is otherwise an illegal lane. Or perhaps I'm missing the point.

You can use them with permission. ...and I know you have done in the past. ;)


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Perhaps I did ;) . And when I virtualy drove a lane back along I virtualy met a Park warden and he virtualy said they weren't to bothered as an organisation to the new law and he seemed pleased to see us driving the lane.

This could be fiction but then again it might not be ;) .

This virtual laning is almost on par with vapour builds :P

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A year or two ago Tony Mason did a report on a 2 wheel drive car trial that was also on a public "green lane" as he annouced.

They thenn showed a Mk 1 Escort ripping the f%&* out of the lane.

IIRC one car was clearly going nowhere but the driver just kept his foot down! :angry:

To make matters worse the program was shown as part of the "Off Road" series.

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