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Scor*&#n R@^ing


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No one here seems to like them.. More than that. some people seem to be on a bit of a hate campagne against them.

I dont get it. I know there prices are pretty high... but I thought the product was top notch?

Please explain what I'm missing

Notice I didnt write their name.. didnt want to get banned for swearing :P

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Have a read here,


then report back :lol:

Their like Hilter, but without the charm and kindness - I dealt with them once - just the once that was enough for me

The X Eng Saga sadly didn't suprise me after my dealings :(

I don't hate them - I just won't deal with them, thats the choice I have where I spend my money


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Scorpion have no one to blame but themselves for the feelings on this site and others. You'll see the same kind of comments on forums like MudClub, Landrovernet, Difflock etc too

If they didn't repeatedly rip off companies that they were in partnership with they wouldn't have the reputation they have. If they see no harm in taking the sponsorpship/marketing budgets in one hand from companies like Equipe, Staun, X-eng etc whilst on the other hand going behind their backs to rip-off their designs and source a copy directly at a cheaper price then that's their problem.

A number of people have said, grow up that's business, but a lot of people don't like buying off deeply unethical companies and it's their perogative to voice that in forums like this. As a result these feelings spill over into the products they sell and it is why people get slated for promoting Scorpion. Some of their sourced products are good, some mediocre and some have had questionable QA, but then so have most other 4x4 suppliers. It's their business ethics that let them down and tarnished their reputation.



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Whilst their ethics may well be lacking in some areas, business is business, you cant copyright an idea, and if you don't patent a product it WILL get copied, doesn't matter if its Scorpion or someone else, it always happens in every area of business.

If you look at the world of engineering and product development almost nothing is actually new, its just a rehash, copy or evolution of something someone has previously designed....its life im afraid.

Thus said i don't advocate some of their "practices".

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Whilst their ethics may well be lacking in some areas, business is business, you cant copyright an idea, and if you don't patent a product it WILL get copied, doesn't matter if its Scorpion or someone else, it always happens in every area of business.

Was thinking exactly the same thing but didn't wanna post cause it seems like a dead issue here and didn't wanna drag it up again.

Now that I'm here though I did see on Charlie Boormans Dakar DVD, his crew had problems with the company in question - but then they had sold their souls to BMW and as a consequence were using X5s as back up vehicles :lol: Did you see the things that broke - repeatedly :rolleyes:

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Perhaps there closet Chinese, brilliant at copying but useless at original design/conceptual thinking.


Ahem! :P

We're not all like that, some of us Chinese do come up with original ideas. My three speed transfer box must be a one and only, for shear weight if nothing else! ;)

I have to come up with a new idea/concept every month for my MSc, its getting tough though. :wacko:

Must start looking into patents soon. :ph34r:

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Ahem! :P

We're not all like that, some of us Chinese do come up with original ideas. My three speed transfer box must be a one and only, for shear weight if nothing else! ;)

I have to come up with a new idea/concept every month for my MSc, its getting tough though. :wacko:

Must start looking into patents soon. :ph34r:

A word of advice, whatever you produce when at uni, keep ALL good ideas, products, inventions and anything worth more than 1p away from the uni, they will have a clause in the "student contract" that screws you out of every right to anything you come up with - they are even bigger thieving b@stards than scorpion!

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Obviously one shouldn't generalise about the Chinese copying things, someone told me there's no copyright law in China?

We have some Chinese kit at work, in the early software release for some reason the message "Copyright Cisco Systems" had crept in :blink::lol: not very subtle about that one :lol:

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A word of advice, whatever you produce when at uni, keep ALL good ideas, products, inventions and anything worth more than 1p away from the uni, they will have a clause in the "student contract" that screws you out of every right to anything you come up with - they are even bigger thieving b@stards than scorpion!

Cheers for the advice. I did ask quite frankly and there was a major discussion about it and the Uni has no rights to any thing the students come up with as long as members of staff have had no major input into the development of the idea. Anything the staff do will, of course, belong to the Uni.

I just need to check what happens with regards to my thesis ideas.

I guess I did copy a very British Scammell when I built my 6x6 though.

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Cheers for the advice. I did ask quite frankly and there was a major discussion about it and the Uni has no rights to any thing the students come up with as long as members of staff have had no major input into the development of the idea. Anything the staff do will, of course, belong to the Uni.

I just need to check what happens with regards to my thesis ideas.

I guess I did copy a very British Scammell when I built my 6x6 though.

Beware though, whilst they say they have no rights as long as staff have no major input, they will always claim major input as you use their resources, and have essentially been taught by the staff...many many people fall down with excellent projects being taken away and credit going to the uni, who then go on to sell it and make a fortune, screwing the students every time. (You might have gathered i hate this common practice of uni's stealing work!)

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