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Bleedin' Hydraulic Winches


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Hello People,

I have just got round to fitting my old milemarkers to my Traka, its not for challenge use so I have used a dedicated ZF74 purchased some time ago from Murrays.

As it says on the title does anything need bleeding as nothing works other than the switching and solenoids. Or are there any simple tests I can do before I start ripping the pump to pieces?


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Hello People,

I have just got round to fitting my old milemarkers to my Traka, its not for challenge use so I have used a dedicated ZF74 purchased some time ago from Murrays.

As it says on the title does anything need bleeding as nothing works other than the switching and solenoids. Or are there any simple tests I can do before I start ripping the pump to pieces?


They generally bleed themselves very quickly without any problems. I take it the engine will start and the pump spins with no problems and no horrible noises?- If so then I would assume it is all piped up correctly and that the system is idling ok (i.e. the fluid is getting from reservior to pump to valve and back to reservior constantly when the engine is running. I would then check that the solenoid valve is actually moving?- if they have been left for a while they can stick- You should be able to hear a faint click from the valve block when you press either in/out button with the engine switched off (make sure that the positive electrical feed you have used is still live when the engine os off or obviously this will not work!!) If the valve is not moving then they are easy to strip and clean out.


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, dont know where the various parts are fitted on your vehicle , but could try cracking the return to tank hose fron the control valve to see if you have oil flow , then a pipe on the motor see if fluid is circulating that far .

its just a case of following the oil on its route cheaking its going where its meant to be till you find the problem , good luck

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Thanks for the quick response.

The system is two MM's connected serially (as approved by Murrays) driven by a single ZF74.

I think that its the solenoid valve on the front as the rear winch started working after a modest tap with Landrover tool #1. I'll try and strip the front solenoid valve assy and check it out.

What sort of grease should I use for the gearboxes?


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I had trouble with mine on refitting to the second vehicle I had it on, because it wouldn't bleed until I held the reservoir way up high to get the oil to drain down, once the oil was into the pump it was fine. So fine, in fact, that the returning flow sprayed out the top of the reservoir (which I left off) all over the bonnet padding, engine, garage roof, me, tools ..... :angry:

Needless to say I left the lid on the reservoir when I fitted it to the 110

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Thanks Guys,

Ian, live in Riyadh Saudi Arabia and the nearest water is 450km from here so wading is somewhat unlikely unless I go to the Riyadh 'river' which is the recycled you know what. So I guess that any good wheel bearing type grease would be OK?

I was just very suprised at how long it took to bleed through to the rear winch, now I just need to sort the front solenoid problem.


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