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2007 Defender Gearbox Clunk

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Could be the input gear/shaft, but possibly other things, such as A-frame ball joint, drivehsaft/flange, diff backlash, bushes worn, so you need to determine what it is before forking out on a new box. Generally - lying underneath while someone else tries to run you over identifies where the clunk is coming from.


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yeah I was going to go back to "them", but they really are such D1ck's...

Anyhow, I did hear about new 07 gearbox issues, just trying to find out what. As it clunks going into gear, so whilst taking foot off clutch, but only if you do it slightly or really quick. If you do it real carful then it is generally ok.

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This is what im checking, as I know how to drive it with out making it go clunk and it is a technique that is fine to use as it's almost like timing the gear shifts. What I was asking was if anyone had heard of such issues.

And i am sorry, last year I missed that particular thread...

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I know exactly what you mean; I don’t think there is a real problem once you get to driving it smoothly. As a tip change gear at the following ( I used to always change at a particular RPM i.e 2200ish) mph it works really well for me and the gear change is faultless.

2nd > 3rd 20mph

3rd > 4th 30mph

4th > 5th 40mph

5th > 6th 50mph

Spotted the pattern yet?

If I was to take a guess at what the problem is with the clunk I would say it has something to do with the engine over rev after the throttle is lifted, you may notice a slight blip in revs especially when accelerating hard.

I have also just remembered that after I had been off road in low range and I returned to the road in high range there was an abnormal clunk in the transmission. At the next set of lights (on red) I dropped it into low range rocked it forward to put pressure on the transmission and then put it back into high range ready for the lights to change. The clunk was gone, there could be be alot more to this than I thought at the time and this may be the cause of a few peoples concerns.

Are there any TD5 drivers that have had the same issue after going from low to high range?

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When we refer to a *clunk* are we talking about a one-off noise - a metallic bang?

When the car is properly warmed up (20 mins or so), I get a banging or shunting in the transmission when I come to a stop. It feels like the engine or transmission rocking on its mounts.

It only happens when properly warm and only when I depress the clutch and the engine revs are allowed to drop. I wondered whether the revs were dying too fast and the antistall was kicking in - it has that sort of shudder about it.

Am I refering to something different?

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It is a strange clunk, it only happens when changing gear. Does not matter if the engine is warm or not.

You can time the gear shifts to avoid this clunk with the revs being around 1500 ish, and being real gently on the shifts, and I have noticed the pattern. The motor generally does run best at:

2nd - 20/30

3rd - 30/40

4th - 40/50

5th - 50/60

6th - 60/80

Anyway, the clunk. When pressing the accelerator and dipping the clutch, if you keep the revs high then the gears will clunk when you depress the clutch. It feels as if the engine is going to quickly for the gears to step up, and when it drops into the gear this the slows the engine down and you get the clunk.

It is a bit disconcerting and im am glad there is someone else experiencing this. I guess Im trying to find out if it was a common 'problem', or just my truck. Also I did hear that Land Rover changed the gearbox sometime in October, has anyone else heard this.

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I get the clunk specially when shifting from 4th to 5th, despite the system is warm....It would be interesting to check if LR did change/modified the gearbox during last time. Mine was built in june. I have 5k now but I think I´ll wait until the 10k service to get fix this problem, oil leaking from the gearbox and the sump issue.

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  • 7 months later...


Since this post, my gearbox developed a 'bag of spanners' rattle.

Took it in to the dealer for a service anyway, and they change the gearbox? and the oil sump without asking, I was happy

(took it to a service center, not a dealer who sell's the vehicles)

Anyway, I still get this clunking, it's not the exhaust I know that, it could be prop shafts, as the gears change fine, but its like a jault in the transmission, as when you bring the clutch back up, the inertia, is what is making the clunk / drive train somewhere?

So it's not the gearbox....

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  • 1 month later...

I'd noticed the same clunk getting gradually worse after the vehicle had done about 22,000 km. A couple of days ago I noticed a significant oil leak from the transfer box, so the whole thing is back at the dealer for investigation.


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I get exactly the same on my 25,000 mile TD5... UJ's and Props are nice and tight, no play. Put it down to drive flanges at the wheels or the a-frame joints etc.

Funny you should mention it, I've not heard it for ages! As the saying goes - just turn the music up!

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