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Some questions about my 110

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The 110 I have is basically identical to this one only a different color. Just wondering what the different labeled parts are for. Number 2 is missing from mine but holes remain where they once were. There are 2 number 1's, one on each side in the same place. Also what is the tool for the fixture under the shovel mount? Will headlamp finishers fit? Anything else anyone would like to throw in would be appreciated.




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In order:

1 Holes for antenna cables going to the two poles on the side. You have the brackets lower down.

2 Antenna mounts (again)

3 Holder for the pick axe, handle is stored above the rear door.

Headlight finishers for Defender will almost fit, but since the lights sit a little further forward than on a civvy 110, a little finishing is needed.

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I guess the bolt goes where the handle would in the head of the pickaxe? Funny I thought the next most logical tool after the shovel would be a mattock but just couldn't picture how it would fit on there. Thanks.

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