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All Wheel Driver - 1986


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Having a bit of a clear-out, I've found a copy of All Wheel Driver from 1986. I was 1 back then, so whilst it's an interesting read, it's not all that relevant.

I was wondering if anyone on here was around back then, and might even be in it. :ph34r:

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yeah i used to read them back then.

Now remind me , was that the off road mag that had the topless "model" in the back draped over the trested truck of the month . Can't quite remeber but one of them of the time did have that

Oh and i was in it but not untill 1989


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Adrian - third time lucky perhaps..... :lol::lol:

Have another read of Ralph's post - I can catagorically state that he was not 4 in 1993!! :hysterical:

That is of course unless all that Radon down his way has had an effect over the years...!!

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No, that was the publication with the catchy title of "4x4 and off road action" or something like that. It was mostly full of articles about TEW ...X, a hybrid still in one of the comics.

Yeah i found on of thses mags the other day with tew on the front :lol: Was nick (the photographers) truck for w while hence why it was always in the mags. Just like his rangie he called camel

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just reread your post.

Born 1989, bought motor in 1993 - AGED 4????????? That's starting young. My son's only 1 1/2, didn't think I was going to have to budget for a landy for him in 2.5 years!!!



I was born in 1958 & my 110 was born in 1989.

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I had just left school and used to drive 90's and 110's on the farm...............

I was lucky enough lin later years to be given a great many publications from around this time all the way through the 90's and i always find it amusing that so many ideas that we call new, have been done before.............and had articles written about it :lol:

The articles i found more amusing, in particular the ones about the heavy trials and was it the 'Milk float' that springs to mind???? Can't rememeber exactly, but by God it was funny.

Thats when the magazines where written by enthusiats for enthusiats and it showed.

I must be getting old, all this "Back in my day" stuff :lol:


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I remember that one!

Around that time there was a Range Rover with a TR7 body shell doing comp safaris (Alvin Smith springs to mind, nope it was Keith Gott). I also remember a chap called Tony Parrott doing a lot of modified trials where the tyre of choice were from building site dumper trucks.


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I remember that one!

Around that time there was a Range Rover with a TR7 body shell doing comp safaris (Alvin Smith springs to mind, nope it was Keith Gott). I also remember a chap called Tony Parrott doing a lot of modified trials where the tyre of choice were from building site dumper trucks.


nope - you were right the first time Alvin Smith built this TR8 , he had a garage at Wallis wood - he also built the very first Bobtail rangie for the Chairman of the all wheel drive club , that i seem to remember was because the rangie was rear ended in a crash so it got chopped shorter.

Then he built a all alloy safari car but it was banned until he put a steel cage round it.

I trialed with Tony Parrott many times also his side kick was Ray Kempster 2 guys that pushed the sport forward - but its not moved much since.

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