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Anyone know the date for Capel 4x4 autojumble?


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And I ask, how many forumers were there? I was wearing my HOFS t-shirt, the truck was wearing LR4x4 stickers too; but only one came and said hello :( no-one even asked for a cheeky forum discount :unsure:

I didn't see anyone there, but then again you'd have to look pretty damn like your avatar for me to have any idea who you were.

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I was selling, so the idea was to come home with LESS stuff. I achieved this too by not looking round 'till near the end.

And I ask, how many forumers were there? I was wearing my HOFS t-shirt, the truck was wearing LR4x4 stickers too; but only one came and said hello :( no-one even asked for a cheeky forum discount :unsure:

I think i parked behind your stand, saw your t/shirt and didnot even think to say hi :rolleyes:

As for buying stuff...... for me there was now't there, but i think my off-roading has change so much that i'll be hard pressed to find what i need....... 101 wheels and QT seats :lol: but it was good to talk to others and to enjoy the weather B)

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I took some photos on the day which I have uploaded to:


There was a very shiny Range Rover with lots of bits bolted on:


You didn't snap me this time, but you did get a couple of shots my blue 90 in the car park at the Cowpie the other week.

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You didn't snap me this time, but you did get a couple of shots my blue 90 in the car park at the Cowpie the other week.

You mean this one:


I didn't get as much time to take photos as I had a 6 year old in tow who rotated between being tired, hungry, bored and naughty every 30 seconds.

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You mean this one:


I didn't get as much time to take photos as I had a 6 year old in tow who rotated between being tired, hungry, bored and naughty every 30 seconds.

That's the one :D

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Mate of mine bought a 2" lift kit (4 springs, 4 shocks and a steering damper for £25!

haha, that was me selling that, serious bargain too, full OME kit, +2 off my dads truck, only a year old! but it all had to go.

I did well and cleared most of the trailer, but I did wince at some of the prices I dropped to. I didn't see any other forum people apart from mickeyw.

I sold so much stuff didn't get a chance to wander about till it was shutting down so no bargains here I'm afraid :(

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I was there - I bought a boot load of boxes for the garage along with a couple of other little bits I wanted, so I was quite happy. Met up with a few other local forum dwellers - Simonr and Nigel_from_hell amoungsth others, but other than that didn't recognise anyone else... Certainly didn't spot any ladoga t-shirts - probably too busy looking a the stuff on the floor than the people selling it!



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Hmmmmm :huh:

Well, I had to go as local, Jon White and I wander about, I did see Adrain, Simon R Mark

and a couiple of others I knew but did have me head grass level engaged,

so didn't see anyone giving clues as to being forumeers :lol:

Bigger than [prev years but less that I seemed to wnat to buy, bought a box of

milling bits and bobs T slot bars and clamps etc for £1 :)

then spent more than that at the burger van :(:lol:

I should have dione a stall, but just couldn't get the energy and interest up this year

but maybe next I will

Jon on the otherhand bought a wide selection of F A



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i went, and wore my t shirt-saw one other.

sadly didnt buy anything, but my mate ended up buying a lightwieght bulkhead top and a load of 101 stuff. and i ended up carrying round a carb for a ferret most of the way :angry:

o well!

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