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Lop sided Disco2


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My air sprung Disco Td5 is prone to becoming lop sided. It levels up fine when elevated but continually runs an inch low on one side when used normally. I suspect the ride height sensor is playing up and have bought a new one. Before I fit it is there any dodges to avoid using Testbook ?. Will it have to be reset or is there a clever cheat?

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I don't know about sensors but I've replaced air springs before and not needed to plug it in.

when you start the car up after I found the whole car drops to the floor and its as if it drains all the air then starts again.

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You might get away with it - try it and see, the D2 only has 2 height sensors not like the D3 which has four and compares notes and if one is not reading right with the others it has a hissy fit! Calibrating D3 air suspension is a PITA even with the right kit as it has to be +/- about 2mm to accept the calibration.

If it fails, put the old sensor back on and take it to somebody with a computer.

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