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Speeding up an EP9


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I could but you haven't passed the security checks and you aren't ginger


In this new PC world we live in they aren't "ginger" they are now called " socialy disadvantaged people with different folical colouring" :P:P .

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I will ring you as soon as I can, David. I am away all weekend with the Scouts, so it'll probably be early next week.

SMO - I hear that L'Oreal do a nice range of Auburn colours at the moment and Mr Lovejoy is easily fooled!!

Walfy - It wouldn't have worked!! You've met her - she's far more astute than that!! Firstly she would have pointed out that the winch currently sat on the garage floor is a damn site better than the one that's on there at the moment.........i.e. none!!!!

24volts, eh?? Are you lot ready for that much smoke to be released??!!!

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Ring me and I will tell you all about what works and what doesn't and what's available. Saves all wading through the chaff!

HH - Surely the point of asking on a forum is to get a lot of biased opinions, rather than just yours

You could put an XP motor on your EP9 like white90 suggests, a mate has one on a Champion winch and it seems to have increased the speed over stock.

You could sell the EP9 and buy a cheap 8274 (readily available, expensive new, expensive secondhand, easy to sell, easy to get upgrades, proven design, everyone has one and most people have spares they can lend you)

Or better still a cheap 8074 (cheaper, harder to sell, better design, less desirable, lots of idiots ask you why your 8274 has extra bolts :rolleyes: , no commercially available upgrades, you know the self proclaimed presisdent of the owners club quite well ;) ) and then upgrade to an XP later.

You could keep the EP9 for the rear and buy something quicker for the front

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HH - Surely the point of asking on a forum is to get a lot of biased opinions, rather than just yours

All opinions are welcome, lets keep it friendly :rolleyes: it's often easier to discuss over the phone rather than try to get everything across in text...

You could put an XP motor on your EP9 like white90 suggests, a mate has one on a Champion winch and it seems to have increased the speed over stock.

You could sell the EP9 and buy a cheap 8274 (readily available, expensive new, expensive secondhand, easy to sell, easy to get upgrades, proven design, everyone has one and most people have spares they can lend you)

Or better still a cheap 8074 (cheaper, harder to sell, better design, less desirable, lots of idiots ask you why your 8274 has extra bolts :rolleyes: , no commercially available upgrades, you know the self proclaimed presisdent of the owners club quite well ;) ) and then upgrade to an XP later.

Wouldn't happen to have either of those lying around that you might want to pass on, would you?? I've been watching a few 8274s on ebay and they seem to be getting cheaper, but they are also quite far away, which I don't mind, but planning day trips to Derbyshire from Kent is a little difficult at the moment....

You could keep the EP9 for the rear and buy something quicker for the front

That is my thinking for the future, but for the moment I need to get up and running with one winch...

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24V wont fry cables as there is half the current going through them. you'll probably find standard winch motors wont last as long tho.

my EP probably matches a single motor 8274 for speed with 24v going through 12v motors.

next weekend will be the real test as it will be the first time i've run it all in anger on an event. watch this space....

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24V wont fry cables as there is half the current going through them. you'll probably find standard winch motors wont last as long tho.

my EP probably matches a single motor 8274 for speed with 24v going through 12v motors.

next weekend will be the real test as it will be the first time i've run it all in anger on an event. watch this space....

So as the motors don't last long what goes on them? The brushes? Are they repairable after they have been run for a period on 24v instead of 12v? Also, how had is it to wire it up to 24v? How do you convert it?

Lots of questions :lol::ph34r:

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Steve, despite the lack of hawse we gave the TDS a bit of a beasting and it impressed. I had a chat with Obersturmfuhrer Von Trembath about it yesterday. It is improved in all the right places, does the job with no fuss. I intend to give it the same mauling I gave the EP and I'll let you know how it goes

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  • 5 weeks later...


sorry bring up an old one but the XP motor you said you put in the husky is it a big difference? as am thinkin of either gettin a new motor as the urrent one aint the best (needs strippin an servicin every so often or refuses to work), so would the XP be the best oppsion or should i just sell and get a 8274 but then i've never need to use to winch in tooooo much anger yet, i'm also thinkin of gettin a rear winch was thinkin of another Husky (when one comes up for sale).

cheers for any advice


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Having now used my new TDS in anger, I too can vouch for it's performance. It's not lightning fast, but the pull just keeps going and going. Nothing was going to slow it down (not even the trees that rearranged my bumper and roof!!)!! It's a marked improvement over the EP and might even get quicker with a bowmotor, but the bank balance is still recovering, so that may have to wait till after the summer holiday has been paid for.

The thing that slows the husky down (as far as I know) is the gearing. Lots of people run huskys as rear or centre winches and they do fine with them. They are very controlled and good for lowering in/out of places that the likes of an 8274 would have your sphincter chewing your seat.

If I were you, I'd run with the husky until the funds allow you to invest in another winch. Then buy another winch and move the husky to the rear. It's what I have plans for with the EP9 that's sat in the garage at the moment...but that's another plan for another day.

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Adrian have you thought about 240v through your new winch, it'll be super fast :)


There's only one thing stopping me, Mo..............I can't find an inverter that supplies the right amperage...... :lol:

Actually, 2 things.........the cost of twin & earth for that current is astronomical!!!!!!!!!!!

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The secret is the Scorpion Winch challenge towable generator with fully dislocating suspension (will go anywhere a Scorpion Extreme Challenge sponsorship pack will go) ;)

You didn't hear this from me, right ?

Mo :)

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