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Round or Square Lights on Light Bar?

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Got a roof light bar ordered for my 90 and was thinking of putting round lights above the bar instead of squares under it like on my old 90.

Has anyone got this and wouldnt mind sharing some photos?

Obviously people put round spots on the front of a roof rack but never seen them on a light bar.

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I don't think I have ever seen round lights fitted to a light bar... As you say people usually go for rectangular ones under the bar- I would suggest that this is the better way to go as the lights are far less vunerable to damage from passing trees etc. Obviously people with roof racks have tree clearance issues anyway hence them using round lights on the front of the rack- with the rack giving some degree of protection to the lights.

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I have rectangular lights on my lightbar.....I can mount mine either above or below. I went with above, as it looked a bit better. I think that round lights up there look a bit not right, but its a personal taste. Clearance issues are not a problem for me, as its only a matter of a couple of centimetres, as opposed to mounted below. My lights still sit below the top line of my rack.


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I've got the switches, relays and wiring in for roof bars but will wait until I fot a roofrack before adding the lights.

I would have thought a rectangular lamp would provide a wide spread with little bonnet reflection whereas a round lamp would provide a longer (round) beam but create some reflection from the bonnet.

My lightforce bumper lights produce a wide pattern with fog filters on but they cost a load of money.

I would be after two long range and two wide beam lights for the roof to give the best range of light options.

Does anyone have a view on which shape provides the better light pattern?



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The round lights on the 110 seem to throw the light further out and don't create anything like the glare we get from the Discoverys rectangular roof lights.


I have moved the Disco lights up and back about an inch which has helped a bit with the glare on the dash :rolleyes:

Will :)

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I think it all depends really on what make of lights you are planning to use. On my old rangie I had 4 7" round cibie oscars, and they looked superb, however I don't think they look quite right on a defender as the lights are a little too classic. Where as the smaller 150-170mm lightforce lights look really inkeeping with the defender and IMHO look better than the square lights, then again PIAA and IPF make some very nice looking square lights.


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