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We've suddenly discovered a fault where on indicating (Preg90 300), there's a squeal like a stuck rabbit and a fuse goes (fuel guage, water temp and hazards) I'm guessing the relay has gone and that it's behind the fusebox, haven't taken it off yet as it's just about to go out for the day (with instructions on hand signals) Will it be labeled clearly? Also, on looking at the fuses for the first time the other day, most of the blades looked furred and partially corroded. What's a good method of cleaning them?


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if i were you for what the fuses cost i would replace them, that way you know that they are in good condition.

The relays should be labled on the cover of the fuse panel under where it says what the fuses are for.


I know, 20p each!? Just as well the rate I'm going through them. So, did that, and replaced the relay, and now the fuse only blows when I indicate left. Still makes a squeal. Have re-read Mr. Haynes and will try and borrow circuit tester/voltmeter (and 'a grown up')



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I know, 20p each!? Just as well the rate I'm going through them. So, did that, and replaced the relay, and now the fuse only blows when I indicate left. Still makes a squeal. Have re-read Mr. Haynes and will try and borrow circuit tester/voltmeter (and 'a grown up')



Can I borrow that grown up when your finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Have you tried replacing, or just removing, the indicator bulb(s), sometimes they can fail short-circuit, although a wiring fault (chafing against chassis/bodywork) is more likely. If you remove the bulb and it stops doing it, that was your fault.

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Have you tried replacing, or just removing, the indicator bulb(s), sometimes they can fail short-circuit, although a wiring fault (chafing against chassis/bodywork) is more likely. If you remove the bulb and it stops doing it, that was your fault.

I'm sure it was my fault anyway. Removed bulbs, still fizzed, going to try L-M-Luke's thread, and am looking at multimeter tutorials right now. Maybe if I can get this right, I'll be able to fix the rear-demister, rear-windscreen-wiper, heater, particle accelerator. . . none of which work on our Landy.


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I'm sure it was my fault anyway. Removed bulbs, still fizzed, going to try L-M-Luke's thread, and am looking at multimeter tutorials right now. Maybe if I can get this right, I'll be able to fix the rear-demister, rear-windscreen-wiper, heater, particle accelerator. . . none of which work on our Landy.



Isnt there a 8? way connection somewhere in the engine bay that connects the rear lights to the main harness?

Worth disconnecting this and trying again. If fuse blows then you know it isnt this section. If fuse still holds then you know your problem is from here backwards.

A multimeter would save on fuses but just worth a try anyway. It will narrow your search down.

Its lucky you have a hard fault! intermittent one are more tricky.

Maybe also worth putting some grease/silicone on the blades of fuses to prevent corrosion. (Try get some into the terminals as well).

If you have any questions on the multimeter will try and help. Not an expert but could throw a few ideas in!


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