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A Girl's Afternoon Out On The Fosse Way

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Hiya everyone,

I've just had a really great day out in Patsy the Defender, on what Daddy calls the boulder-crawling-deep-mudhole-extreme-winching-challenge that is the Fosse Way near my house in Gloucestershire.

As navigator and winch-girl, we set up the route in Dad's satellite system with maps in it; loaded up with water and snack bars and headed off towards Kemble Airfield. Daddy's route was rubbish as we tried to start on the wrong side of the airfield. I soon put him right and we went down Stonehill Lane which no one has been down for really ages, and joined the Fosse Way. Being a stubboron old bugger Daddy insisted on going back up to the airfiled boundary even though he knew he would just have to turn around and come back.

Anway way we carried on for the rest of the afternoon going very gently till we got to Long Newton. It was straight, flat and sunny, there weren't any boulders, hardly any mud, and we didn't have to do any winching. This was lucky because I had left my gloves at home and Patsy doesn't have a winch anyway. At Long Newton, I reminded Daddy that I have my tea at 5 and Mummy had promised chilli and rice, so we headed off for home. On the way I spotted a Homebase and got Daddy to go in and buy a pruning saw for Patsy's tool kit.

Then we got home and I had a great tea.

Thankyou to everyone on here for inspiring Daddy to get off his fat arse and take me out for my first day's greenlaning.


Lucie Allen (18 months)

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I'm reminded of Lara's words.

Having fallen asleep in the baby chair on route to the local play site run by Country Events (thanks Terry) she was still sound asleep on arrival. So, off to play exploring the site, climbs, drops, mud runs,.. and I'm just cresting another hill as she stirs. Wakes up, looks around and declares "its a bit bumpy" before settling back down to sleep :)

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