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Vepsskii Les

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thems the rules Pete, but you can use any width you like though so feel free to grab some 36" wide flotation tyres :)

the entry forms are out, ours is in :) prologue is a 10 hour 20km stage, leaving the fastest with a maximum of 51 hours to get on with the rest of the greenlaning should you win the prologue.. :blink:

12/13 day tour from the UK, maybe less if (when) it all goes badly wrong :ph34r:

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  • 2 weeks later...

True and true.

About to or not to go: I was on the Ladoga 2007 (btw - met there some guys from UK, in the closing event together we painted the head of my hairless pilot with green spray paint, if somebody remebers that - hi! :) ). Ladoga is fun for the whole family! This is piece of cake. Ladoga format - one day race, after that go to camp, there are mechanics etc, the team repairs your car (we went with Defender, and there were some more). Even if your team fails to attend (our did, for one or other reason, and all reasons were searious), you can go only two, if you can arrange somedy to move your support car. Grand Tourism, Tourism, TR1, I think even Tr2 will be evacuated, and even not so - the closest road, or something close to road usually is some 10-20km away.

Vepskij Les is different story. 3 days, now you have to sleep for 4 hours (the car should not move) or something like that, but even that is sooo little, and no help at all. This is harder. Last year the ATV team from Latvia at about middle of the race changed from competing mode to survival mode, just to get their gear out of the woods. And the woods are muuuch more without any possibility of transportation.

The amount of mud - it depends on the weather. Ladoga 2007 was dry (even then I found on some LR boards some posts like "tourism in Ladoga is like hardest tracks in UK"). One track we went as first, we completed it in some 40 minutes. In 2006 the same track took about 36 hours.

Another thing - there is a class, called Open. It was born in Latvia some years ago, the reason - many poeple had something in their yards and sheds, and that something did not fit in any class. So Open is kinda open, there are the usual "no tractor parts" etc limitations etc. The most significant - tyre size and ground clearing I suppose (have to read it). Last week came a message from Jurij Offchinjikov, Open in Vepskij Les will be organized by Latvian regulation, it should be published anyway (if any problems - please ask, will try to help).

Why the tyre width, "all original" etc regulations: trophy raid in Russia has become a play field for millionaires, sometimes there are seen even two TR3 cars actually working for one TR2 car to win. These regulations are part of trying to make the game more or less even for all competitors. So if your tyres are too big, there always is the latvian way for correcting it (pic from my Ladoga 2007 album): http://martini.pudele.com/galerija/v/Troph...ageViewsIndex=1

Myself - still trying to decide about Vepskij Les, to go or to go next year...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Martins - I cant work out how you get 1 or 2 Tr3 cars onto a Tr2 course to help a car when the courses are many Kms apart and the satelite tracking fitted to the cars reports any deviation of more than 50 metres from the course...? maybe at another Trophy but not at Ladoga :unsure:

I think this year was dry also but yes I was there racing proto in 2006 proto and it got a little damp


fingers crossed next year the rain will come and we can all enjoy some deeper water and wetter journeys :)

Uazvet - camp is at N60 30 000, E34 29 200, it would be good to see you - bring red bull!!

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Just had a call from Jez, they made it to the ferry at Harwich with 15 mins to spare, and the ferry to Helsinki an hour late :( however, after some alcohol-based bribery they were ushered onto the ferry as the ramp was being raised by the sound of things. Next stop, Finland.

There's supposed to be an online rolling blog of Vepsskii but I can't for the life of me find it :(

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Do they ever be in time for there boats ?

A second early is a second wasted :P

Unfortunately due to the Eurotunnel fire and all the chaos that caused, the boat to Holland was an hour late, which meant they were an hour late getting to Travemunde. You can't really make up time in a 300TDi disco with a 3.5 ton trailer on the back, it was 4th gear all the way :o

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Phew, hasn't broken yet then... :ph34r: My life won't be worth living if it doesn't make it there and back... :huh:

Does the extended warranty cover the possibility of towing them back from Harwich docks in 10 days time? If so, it saves me a job :P

(Oh and they managed to leave the spare wheel bearings behind, let's hope they don't need them!)

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Dave - don't worry, what's the worst that can happen? :ph34r:

A couple of updates via text message:

Tyres are cut, heading 2 kims, 1 small water leak (fixed) about 2 hours work 2 do. Koope loves team dvd and credits :-) he wants 2 sell it in his shop.
Ello mista- we in russia heading fnr st p.

Nothing as yet today, I suspect they're either busy or out of mobile coverage.

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Apart from the occasional text message, I don't think we'll see or hear much until they finish and are back in civilisation. :(

Assuming they finish of course :o there are a couple of TR1 guys "looking out" for Jez & Kim if they need help, but a TR1 car wouldn't even get near a Proto if it was in real trouble :unsure:

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Update: Had a call from Jez, they've done the prologue and are on their way to the start with the "press lap". They've suffered from a bit of water ingress which is causing issues, but hopefully will be sorted with a bit of drying out. For obvious reasons I couldn't stop and chat to Jez for ages, so more as I get it.

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Another update, I can't quote Jez directly but he says Vepsskii is "gosh darned tricky" :lol:

They sorted the earlier issue and are still going OK at the moment, the attrition rate is massive apparently. Mouse is taking a beating (just for a change) but still fighting. They're stopping for the mandatory rest/sleep stop now.

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