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Blonde question...


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I must have been having a blonde moment when all this megasquirting stuff became popular. Would someone mind telling me what exactly megasquirt is please?

what can you fit it to? is it only petrol? either carbs or efi?

I keep reading posts about it but its like im missing the first few pieces of the puzzle...

Thanks in advance

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Megasquirt is effectively a DIY fuel injection system.

It was developed as an 'open source' project where lots of people contribute to the hardware and software. The best bits of design get incorporated into whatever the current version is - and the bits that are problematic do not (by a process of peer review).

The result of this is that it is very solid and reliable - as well as being low cost and easy to install, modify, re-program etc.

The hardware design is freely available - so you could scratch build a MS unit if you wanted to. Most people however build the hardware from a kit or get some kind individual to build and test it for them.

MS allows you to define and tune your own fuel maps. You can over time make it a perfect fit to your truck rather than a one-size-fits-all ECU or Carb.

Later on in the development, they came up with a way of replacing the distributor by fitting one coil per spark plug (or one between two) and triggering which fires and when electronically. This allows you to set your own advance and retard curves and tie them accurately to what the engine as a whole is doing.

What you get, or at least can get, is more power, easier starting, smoother running and better economy.

It can be fitted to any vehicle with fuel injection where it just plugs in to the existing injectors. It can also be used with carbs using what is known as 'throttle body injection' where you disconnect the fuel supply to the carb and fit a big injector which just squirts fuel into the inlet manifold. It just uses the butterfly valve in the carb to throttle the engine as normal.

MS has been fitted to all kinds of petrol engines including chain saws, bikes, lawn mowers - as well as cars and trucks. It is that versatile.

It could potentially be used to run a common rail diesel injection system - don't know if anyone has done it yet though. Some people have even used it to control LPG, Nitrous or water injection.

To tune it, you load a bit of free software on to your PC and plug it in via serial RS232 or USB via a serial adaptor. Start with someone else's fuel map for a similar engine then by looking at the mixture via the lambda (oxygen) sensor readout in the software - tweak the settings to be better. It has an auto-tune function which gradually does this itself over a period of time.


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Top answer Simon - concise and yet tells you everything you need to know. This ought to be the first 'hit' if anyone searches for Megasquirt I reckon..

I appreciate that explanation - I've been reading all this stuff about MS too but missed out on the first part.

Many thanks.

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This is worth a read


It was after reading this post that made me ask the question in the first place... Thanks to simon, i now have some clue of what it is/does...

Ive always tended to stay away from V8's, untill now, my pockets were never deep enough for the fuel economy and insurance. (only a young 'un see)

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Although there is lots of technical info about the spec & functions of MS. Even on the MS site it's hard to fathom out what it's all about unless you have prior knowledge. I think that prior knowledge is assumed just about everywhere that talks about MS - and for me too, that was the biggest hurdle!


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