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Cross Drilled Imput Gear

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My R380 seems to have a bit of wear on the rear output shaft. Bit of a clunk but not too bad. Would I benefit from swapping in one of the cross drilled input gear to halt any additional wear or would it be a waste or money at this point?



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If you just want to grab an extra 12 months (depending on use) out of your gearbox before having to remove it and you are willing to sacrifice a new cross drilled gear, then changing the gear will do this.

The cross drilled gear has slightly longer internal splines and will take drive on a portion of shaft that has not been worn.

This is really true bodgers temporary fix.

Proper fix is to remove gear box strip down and rebuild with a new output/main shaft then re fitt with new cross drilled gear.

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The best bodgers fix I have seen was a guy on one of the forums who hammered square masonry nails into the gap in the splines. He reckoned it worked very well :o

"IIRC all R380/LT230 combinations have the cross drilled gear from new." No, not quite, Ralph. The cross-drilled gear was first used in about 1996 in the suffix F transfer boxes. In fact the only difference between the suffix E box (which I have) and the suffix F box is the cross-drilled gear. I fitted Land Rovers quick fix for this, a sort of top hat made of alloy. Cost too much money, but it seems to have worked because I am now at 270k kilos with no clonks at all, at least, no clonks from there ha ha.

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Bang in some nails... brilliant! I should have thought of that.

Ok, just kidding. :lol:

My gearbox is good with just a little clunking going on. I think it has many more miles in it yet before it needs a tear down. Just thought a new gear would slow down the wear and get me ever more miles, but yes, I see the point about mixing old and new parts.

Suppose I should pull the cover off and see just what is in there now. Engine and gearbox came out of a '96 Defender, so for all I know there could be a cross drilled gear in there already.



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