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Diagnose this transmission problem


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Early 1990's disco, so 200TDI, LT230 5-speed manual.

When in gear and clutch up, no drive, forward or reverse - props are NOT spinning

Bang it into difflock and vehicle jumps forward under drive.

As the props aren't spinning, it must be a blown LT230 ?

On a road going Disco ?????

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Blown centre diff in the LT230?

Possibly the pins that hold the sun gears having failed.

Its not unknown - nige blew the centre diff on his hybrid pulling out of the petrol station!


Think you are on the money there Jon.

I've heard it is a relatively easy in-car fix.

Never seen it written up though.

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Why not drain the t/box oil take the cover plate off and see what is going on inside when there is no drive?

The centre diff can be changed in situ but beyond that, NAFC how to do it...

Centre diff or maybe splines stripped on one of the output shafts would be my guess. How about putting it in difflock and jacking up each end in turn, see if there is no drive to one end with a wheel jacked up?

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No - diff lock will always give drive to front cause of the way it works. Effectively it locks the front output to the body of the diff.

Only thing it may not give you is an output to the rear I suppose if there's no internals left.

Cant see as why it cant be fixed in situ. But I've only ever had a series transfer box apart so what do I know?


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definately centre diff has gone, sometimes you can find the blown bits connect and you get drive for a tad.......

Can be done from underneath, but not a nice job at all, EP90 in your ears nose eyes mouth hair Sir ?....certianly you'll need a LT230 diff change from underneath.....

You can for strnegth have stronger centres, Quaiffe do one KAM I think, and also ashcroft are I think worth a call, but can't remember if they do for sure ?


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definately centre diff has gone, sometimes you can find the blown bits connect and you get drive for a tad.......

Can be done from underneath, but not a nice job at all, EP90 in your ears nose eyes mouth hair Sir ?....certianly you'll need a LT230 diff change from underneath.....

You can for strnegth have stronger centres, Quaiffe do one KAM I think, and also ashcroft are I think worth a call, but can't remember if they do for sure ?


Nige, Ashcrofts do a solid cross shaft, that's what I use.

Andy, at the bench its easy but not much fun under the vehicle. EP90 goes everywhere.... However, its nothing to getting soaked in ATF (had a HFH moment the other day ;) ).

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