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Clubman/Novice Challenge


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  • An event that is more around 'fun' than 'Winning'
  • Virtually "Anything" goes as classes are almost irrelevent may max of 2 - see above
  • A level of punches that gives even someone in a factory fresh std 90 a chance of getting it
  • Also though - with a mix of punches some of which may be tough
  • Prob little or no sponsorship, and minimal prizes (see 1st comment) but maybe lots of them
  • (ie 1st to 5th place maybe 2 classes - all prizes low value)

And lastly an event that attracts the type of entrants your looking for....... whilst discouraging the pros and the pot hunters


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It's tricky, we've run V8Camel's weighting system before now which seems to level things pretty well, if anything a bit too strictly against the big boys but then you're not really trying to attract them anyway.

It's something like:

Standard size tyres, long wheelbase, no winch or lockers = 100%

Bigger tyres, a winch, one locker, short wheelbase = 80%

Two lockers, two winches, massive tyres, different axles = 50%

That's not quite right but I can't remember the details.

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An event set out so that anybody who either has little experience or little pockets stands a chance of doing at least 50% of the punches with minimal damage.

But should also attract a few better competitors who iether like the site or want to test there motors, this is an advantage because those with little experience can see how it should be done (I admit some times also how not to :lol::lol: )

Thats my opinion anyway.

As said above the idea is not to win prizes but learn and have fun doing it.

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