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Replacement door frames

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I'm sure this has been asked before, but a couple of searches haven't found what I want.

Please, is there any way to repair / replace the steel lower door frames. Mine are now self-draining doors - big time, having virtually no bottoms left, due to leaking window seals and blocked drainage holes? Do I have to bite the bullet - and wallet - and buy complete new doors, with skins? My window gear and door fittings are all good, it's just the frames that are rotten.

Any help and advice will be very much appreciated, even if it is bad news. Many thanks.


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There's a company on eBay repairing doors at £100 a pop, or you can buy repair sections from places like...


Edit: Upon further inspection I can't find the eBay one anymore, maybe I was seeing things :(

No you didn't imagine in. This is the company....



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Ive done it myself to two both my front doors from 1992. The where almost completely destroyed by rust on the lower inside and the left one was bent due to strong wind and a stupid driver. Both stabilizing metal beams thats on the inside was rusted straight of and the door was only hanging by the aluminum between the two hinges.

Get a good grinder remove the worst parts and try to get the rustiest stuff away. Then bend a new aluminum or steel U-beam or L-beam and weld on top of the old on. (use a thin one on the lower side or it wont fit properly in frame. It quite simple, but it wont last forever, Took ruffly a day to clean, weld and put a first layer of paint on it. Then fill the inside with rust-stopper paint. And your ready to go.

I would on the other hand recommend you to buy a pair of other door and spray them, its easier.

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OK, guys. Many thanks for the tips, experiences and the links. Since I don't have a welder yet, or the skills to use one, I'll probably settle for refurbishment, at £100 a pop, by RoversUK. When it's done, I'll let you know how successful it's been.



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