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300 TDi auto 96 - steering wheeel off set to right


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:rolleyes : Hi all

My disco is running well but i noticed that the steering wheel is about 10 - 15 degrees to the right when travelling straight forward. Do i need to worry about this / can it be fixed easily?

All advice welcomed


Andy :)

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There's no mentipon of the tracking being out..... someones probably fitted a new joint onto the drag link, and not thought about the steering wheel thing..... do as per the 1st reply.

Does this happen on a single lane road, or in the middle lane of a three lane high way? Reason being, in South Africa, and I do believe else where too, the cross section of the roads has a camber to the sides, to assist proper draining, it is more severe in a single road, than a high way, and the wheel alignment guru's should know how to compensate for that.

My Disco's steering is dead straight on a three lane highway, if I travel in the middle lane, if I move to the left lane, I have a slight correction to the right, and versi versa.

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Thanks for the replies.

I had the tracking / wheel alignment sorted at a local garage and that was out. It now feels more positive but even on a straight road / no cambers etc.. then its still off-set to the right. I can live with this but just wondered if anything needed adjusting etc... I dont use it off road and its a family car and a caravan puller so it does not get too much abuse etc..

Any futher advice welcomed



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on your steering rack you will have your track rod to the rear, which is what your steering damper is fitted to, this is the part the garage adjusted when correcting your tracking.

To correct your steering wheel position, you can do 2 things..1st, remove the steering wheel itself and realign it that way...I personally wouldn't do this but it's an option.

The second way is to adjust the drag link as suggested in the first reply, again, on the steering rack, you will see another rod located at the front of the steering, this will have 2 adjustable ball joins on it, (one end attached to the drop arm, one end attached to a wheel). You need to adjust this bar to move the steering wheel left or right (i'm not sure in which direction you need to go), just loosen the ball joins (probably the one on the drop arm) and turn it in or out depending which way you need to adjust the wheel.

But in all honesty, if you can live with it, I would..it will not affect your ability to control the car at all.

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