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Would that be considered cheating?

It's not technically cheating - last year they trailered them everywhere, which was then banned as it was considered rather unsporting. This year the rule was you were allowed to be towed back to camp if the car was broken, these guys tend to explore the limits of the regulations somewhat <_< possibly because the Frogs either have no high box, permanently locked diff(s), or are just horrible on the road. I don't know which ones of those may be the case, but they certainly don't like driving them on the road. Guess we'll see what the rules are next year.

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It's not technically cheating - last year they trailered them everywhere, which was then banned as it was considered rather unsporting. This year the rule was you were allowed to be towed back to camp if the car was broken, these guys tend to explore the limits of the regulations somewhat <_< possibly because the Frogs either have no high box, permanently locked diff(s), or are just horrible on the road. I don't know which ones of those may be the case, but they certainly don't like driving them on the road. Guess we'll see what the rules are next year.

Rules are the same, you can use a bar for towing. But not a trailer or a dolly. And at least one person should be in the car....

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Theres assurances of a 1 hour penalty for each "towing" event in 2009 ... game on :i-m_so_happy:

Jez, does that mean anyone you help out of a stage in future will incur a 1 hour penalty as well then ??

Maybe you just gonna have to leave them all there to rot matey....


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Yuri seemed pretty clear cut about it James - transit towing is towing, doesnt matter who where or how, I think he understands why the "drivers mafia" :lol: is pee'd about it all, Mait Mumme didnt seem to like the situation either and he's one on the international advisors/referees - its going to hurt sooooooo badly if they get a 1 hour ping every day

IMO the only permissible tow is if one team hauled another "dead team" out of stage - I wouldnt want to see that penalised as its the only real life line we all have, but as soon as you reach transit let the penalties begin.

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theres few people I would leave in the nowhere Neil - seriously its not a nice place to be, we earned the dubious title of "Tow Tractor" from the Estonians for dragging out thier dead cars, these days we would finish special stage first and then stomp back in if needed (unless its the gappy toothed Qkulgar horror in which case we can drive just as fast with his junk on a rope as without it :lol:)

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gotta have 4 wheels - its in the event rulebook (seriously), basically any wheeze you can think of to get you over the pooh is banned, double wheels, tracks, etc etc, Frogs are just exploiting a loophole that was intended to keep people racing instead of knocking them out, IMO not in the "spirit of the event" but sadly there are those that value a plastic cup over all else...

The tree didnt save 3 or 4 this year Tony, it looks like an obvious mistake from where the camera is but from a drivers point of view you can't see it coming.. 3 years ago I had Urvo and the red niva tapping the bumper when we went through there, Petal had a view malfunction (and I chewed a hole in the seat cover) thankfully saved by nailing the gas and using the tree, its a fair way down to that lake :ph34r:

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