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Insurance for an Army youth

alan kemp

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I understand if this gets deleted as it is OT. My son has recently joined the Army in logistics to begin with but is excelling in all areas. Jenny has just given him her car for a fraction of its value and I have rung around for insurance for him. I am gobsmacked at the premiums quoted ranging from £3k to £1700.00.

He passed his test today and has never been insured. He wants his own policy to build up a ncd. He earns bugger all, any ideas where to go?



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trying ringing some of the firms advertised with discount codes in the back of the forces discount booklet, he will have one or can get one from the clerks. - am sure someone currently serving will be along with an upto date one.

Failing that hes stuck in the same boat as all other young drivers.

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I understand if this gets deleted as it is OT. My son has recently joined the Army in logistics to begin with but is excelling in all areas. Jenny has just given him her car for a fraction of its value and I have rung around for insurance for him. I am gobsmacked at the premiums quoted ranging from £3k to £1700.00.

He passed his test today and has never been insured. He wants his own policy to build up a ncd. He earns bugger all, any ideas where to go?



Have you tried NFU. Usualy get a healthy discount for being a new customer.

Logistics, pah should join a man's Corp :P:P:P . Hope he enjoys himself. It still has a lot to offer if he puts his mind to it. ;)

Yep as James said. If you want an up to date copy let me know and I'll bung 1 over to you and then you can ring around. If I find 1 at work today I'll make a note of any big discounts. Get him to buy a new LR with the money he saves, got to be a couple of K he can then use that money to insure it :P

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Unfortunately pretty much all young drivers are in the same boat, £1k+ per year to insure just about anything more powerful than a pushbike. You could always insure him on an unmoving wreck of a mini or similar buried in the garden for a year, limited mileage, TP only for maximum cheapness. In the meantime, if you trust him not to crash, add him to your policy as a named driver. In 12 months he'll have an unblemished NCB on the wreck and can go it alone.

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Its a Clio :o but its a little engine. 3rd party as the massive excess and extra premium is almost what the car is worth. After 1 year he may get a better deal if he behaves.

He has been asked to go into sniping (my words not his) as he scored well in his marksman, also para's as he is incredibly fit. He wants to get all his driving licences and then decide.

Phoned A Flux who passed me onto another company, gave them details, they passed me to some other company and repated all details again. What a ball ache...

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I would try Tesco insurance, have him as a named driver on your wifes policy. Tesco does allow you to build up noclaim that way, if I understood it right, no other insurance does I think.

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insure him on an unmoving wreck of a mini or similar buried in the garden for a year, limited mileage, TP only for maximum cheapness.... .... In 12 months he'll have an unblemished NCB on the wreck and can go it alone.

Some policies will offer a year's NCD after only 10 months insurance with them, that is 30% straight away.


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I don't know what the deal is these days, but when I passed I did Pass Plus and insured through Provident (Via Swinton at the time), who gave me 1 year's NCB immediately because off the Pass Plus. That's stayed with me all the time I've been driving, so has saved me tonnes of money over the years. Some companies only give a discount, you want one that actually gives NCB.

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Very true, look at it this way:

- These days, almost any accident is going to result in at least £1k worth of either repairs or compensation

- The likelihood of a young 'un having some sort of tangle in their first year of driving is around 99%

- Therefore the insurance premium will always be £1000+ as it's almost dead cert they'll have to pay it out at some point in that year.

No wonder so many drive around uninsured when the penalty is a lot less than the price of going legit :rolleyes: especially when the car is worth naff all. If you stack it, make a quick getaway, torch the car and peg it - you're still £500+ in pocket :(

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Right..... I am a young driver and have been through all this nonsense OK first don't bother with the Clio his Insurance is always going to be sky high.... What he needs is a series with an economical engine.....

If the clio is a must then try someone like norwich union who do a 9 month policy building up no claims quicker and add one of 'your' friends as a named driver on his policy, I have found having an older 'more experienced' driver cuts the price in half....!!! It seems cheaper doing it this way rather than a parent for some reason...? No ideas why...?

But best bet would be a tax exempt series ... Free tax..... Peanuts to insure I'd guess for his 1st year it will be between £300 and £600 2nd year less than £200 and 3rd year just under £100.....

I gave this advice to the son of a woman whos landrover I was doing work on, he put the Izuzu engine in and has greatly thanked me for this advice as he is paying less than 1/4 what most of his friends are can muck around off road carry 7 passengers etc and with the engine change he is getting 35+ miles to the gallon...!!

Hope this helps....


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Alan, have you tried some of the price comparison sites? Elephant.co.uk has often worked well in the past for me on standard stuff. TBH, I think you'd be lucky to get it under a grand unless you've got the 1.0l model.

Pass plus is also really useful to help bring the premium down as is putting yourself on the policy as a named driver (ie your son is still the policy holder) - this can really bring down the quote.

If you have no luck with that you could try the broker that I use for the Lotus (Under 25, Group 17, quite a lot more power, suspension and brake mods).

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This probaly wont help because its a clio but , When i first got my landrover a year ish ago the insurance on it was £1500 TPFF that was me at 19 first car no NCB Now a year has passed i'm 20 and i was looking around and the cheapest one i could find was £990 TPFF. But then i had a little idea to try van insurance and it came out that if i insured my land rover as a van it was going to put the insurance at £440 TPFF , But offcourse you cant make the clio a van :( other wise it going to be somthing around 1500 for insurance even if its a 400 pound car :(

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I would try Tesco insurance, have him as a named driver on your wifes policy. Tesco does allow you to build up noclaim that way, if I understood it right, no other insurance does I think.

Don't do this!

As a named driver you are not allowed to be the 'main driver' of the vehicle, therefore he would not be insured when driving to work etc...

Honestly, the only way to really help is to insure an old mini or a moped for a year before getting the clio, to get some NCB, other than that you have to stomach it for a year or so until the prices drop a bit....

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small hatches a la boy racer mobiles, are in my experience heavily weighted insurance wise for young drivers. makes sense. something slow, cumbersome and 'middle aged' would be an improvement. but since he now has the clio, that could pose a problem

Fridge, If I remember correctly, these days pass plus only counts in the first year of driving. Did for a number of my mates anyway. Once youve got that 1st years NCD it's the same price for everyone.

I didnt do pass plus, but it only saved them about 20 quid more than the cost of doing the pass plus in the first place. 4 years on, they went as named drivers on their parents policies, I used the power of student loan and part time job to go under my own name, and Im the one laughing.

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I'm insured as a named driver on my dads insurance because despite having 8 years claim free motoring I live in inner city liverpool and am a student, this means to insure my 110 in my name would have been £4500 per year :lol: as a named driver its £350 comp! I just got my own insurance for my bike and I saved a fortune by ringing round and talking to a human rather than using the website. I also found that getting married saved about 15% but that may not appeal to him at the moment :lol:


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Thanks for all the replies and pm's. We have settled for £1400 TPF&T for his first year as the additional premium for comp and the massive excess they all insist on make comp insurance pointless for him. He will be a careful driver rather than a boy racer as his job in the army depends on a clean licence, ie if he gets 6 points he loses his job.

The price was found on the internet, I use comparethemarket.com and jenny used confused.com, prices varied quite a lot from declined to quote (most of them) to stupid expensive to "bl**dy he**, well that will have to do then".

Anyway, he is sorted (or will be later), thanks again.

ps I didnt want him on my insurance as mine is very expensive as it is, also, if he did have a claim it would increase all of my premiums and I have 5. At one time, a claim only affected the policy you claimed on, now it affects all of them, talk about cake and eat it....

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I'm 18, have a years NCB and my insurance as a named driver is £800. Next year I'll have two years NCB (fingers crossed) and the price will be the same when I change the policy to my own when the car is put under my name. The only reason I'm a named driver is because my dad went out and bought the car so it was under his name and me being the main driver on a car under someone elses name caused all sorts of problem with the police database and getting pulled over all the time.

This is all fully comp with the co-operative who I have found to be excellent service. Their prices for fully comp are the best I've found on the market, for someone young that is.

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RGJ No longer around :( . Now called The Rifles.

As for the NAAFI, they were always expensive when I looked. They no longer have shops on camp either (in the UK) that's now run by SPAR :( . Oh how times change :o

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