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paint help!


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Hi, I've got some G4 paint which I bought a few years ago , (rush of blood to the head) and I was going to use it , then not and now I am going to use, thought what the hell. I was advised to use red oxide primer to make the colour deeper (existing colour is white) but have been warned against this due to the paint cracking, has anyone used it or can give any more advice either way , cheers Orchie

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From my (read: My Dads and mine) experience I have noticed that 9/10 times, Red Oxide is only any good as an undercoat to chassis paint or similar, that you apply with a brush, heavy Corrosion possible area's.

If the paint you have is Cellulose I wouldn't use Red Oxide primer, as mentioned it may work but if it doesn't thats a mighty big mess, the top coat will react with the primer and sort of, bubble off. And if this is on a large flat surface the paint will then just slide off the primer. Also seen this happen when Cellulose is sprayed onto Hammerite paint.

Best to carefully prepare the truck first, the use Cellulose primer, or Hi-Build. You can usually get it in a colour to suit your top coat but I (we) normally just use a very light green primer.

If you already have the Red Oxide, test it on some scrap metal. Mix some top coat up and brush on the red oxide, let it dry and then brush on the top coat in as thin a layer as you can. If there is no sign of problems, crack on.



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