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Transfer gearbox front ouptut shaft float on a 200tdi Disco


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I am looking at a seondhand main gearbox/transfer gearbox assembly for a 200 tdi discovery. I have noticed that there is some movement, only slight, of the front output flange of the transfer gearbox in the axial direction. These are no signs of oil leakage around the ouput flange. I just wanted to know if it is normal for there to be some float, or is it a sign of wear which will only get worse?

If it is wear, is it easy to replace the front output bearing, or adjust the preload, or does this require a full strip down of the transfer gearbox?

Thanks for the advice.

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A alittle movement is not uncommon, to replace the bearing is quitea simple job, esp if the box is not in the vehicle.... basically, remove flange, inside there's a biog circlip, remove, and then extract the output shaft complete with bearing......

All thats from memory, so please feel free to correct me....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I doubt there's anything wrong with the shaft itself. To remove the flange you unbolt the prop, then undo the big nut that's exposed and the flange will just slide off the shaft. The seal can be levered out and a new one fitted. Check the land (the area of the flange that the lip of the seal runs on). If it's grooved, then replace it also.


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Hi Thanks for that, apologies but I meant to ask how easy is it to replace the output bearing, I am just wondering if its worth doing while the gearbox is out of the car, but I should imagine that to replace the bearing the transfer box has to be stripped to push it out of the casing?

Thank you


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