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A little nervous about all these jokes...


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Since buying our Landy and planning our trip I've started hearing loads of jokes about Land Rover (usually from owners of non-Landys) and although I laugh at them I can't help being a little nervous that there might be some truth in what is being said.

I've decided to share some of these jokes in the hope that someone can address the problem presented and say whether it is just a ploy by the competition or something that Land Rovers do suffer from - or just for a laugh depending on the subject...

The joke which I'm going to start with had me laughing (albeit nervously) for quite some time:

Why does Land Rover have heated back windows?

To keep your hands warm when pushing...

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When I first heard that one the subject was Skoda, so it's a one size fits all joke, depending who the joke teller is talking to.

Besides, anyone who knew about Land Rovers would be surprised the HRW still worked.

Sorry, perhaps that last comment doesn't help? :-)

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There is a rivalry between owners of different makes of lots of things not just 4wd vehicles , eg cars , european and american motorhomes etc. This is maintained even when they feel in their heart that they made the wrong choice.

Having said that Land rover owners generally seem to be able to handle a bit of self mockery as well , you dont find that with a lot of other 4wd owners. some of this is based on necessity acknowledging a few shortcomings. Its the fact that they handle abuse so well over time and the way they do things that endear them to their owners. In the end its a personal choice, I have owned all manner of 4wd vehicles from all over world but stick with landrover as they suit my usages and what I want and expect. JMHO by the way if you have to dont push on the rear window too hard as the newer

rubber mounted ones can pop out :rofl:

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I think the nicest way to put it is Land Rovers are reassuringly unreliable - you know things are going to wear out, leak, etc. and they do so fairly predictably, so you're always prepared with a spare bearing, oil seal, halfshaft etc.

The alternative is stuff that lasts for 100,000 miles smooth a silk without so much as an oil change and then suffers random catastrophic failure or galloping tinworm just when you'd given up and sold your spanners :lol:

Our previous PR officer had a sticker on her 110 that said "Fine British Engineering, modified to work" :ph34r:

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Cindy, we all tell these sort of jokes about rival marques. You may have seen LR bumper stickers just above the tow bar, that says "attach Toyotas here." plus countless others.

The thing is though, I wouldnt worry about it. Yep, things do go wrong, sometimes often; but unless your vehicle is a complete pig to begin with, what WILL go wrong is rarely catastophic. Keep looking after it, service regularly etc, and you have a vehicle that will go on for many, many years. :rolleyes:

The joke about keeping your hands warm is complete nonsense. When you break down, it will be in mud or sand, so you wont be able to push it anyway, plus the heater (which probably stopped working just before it was driven off a forecourt,) takes several years to heat up!

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The thing is though, I wouldnt worry about it. Yep, things do go wrong, sometimes often; but unless your vehicle is a complete pig to begin with, what WILL go wrong is rarely catastophic. Keep looking after it, service regularly etc, and you have a vehicle that will go on for many, many years.

Unless you have an early P38 RR. Back in the 90's when they were new some were known to have spent more time parked in the dealers than on the road. Nowadays you are more likely to see them on the hard shoulder or on the back of an AA truck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course its well known that many manufacturers do water testing to make sure their vehicles don't leak. A well known brand from "over there" tested by putting a cute little puddy-cat in their leather-clad test vehicle over night. When they came in the following morning to check on the cat it had died of asphixiation... good news then, the car won't leak :). Apparently Land rover got wind of this and thought they'd give it a go. Before going home they popped the puddy-cat in the Defender, complete with cat basket, litter tray and food, closed the doors and off they went. The following morning the LR engineers tentitvely looked through the windows of the defender... The cat had escaped!

Its a poor joke, but there are gaping great holes in defenders. They are ovbiously there to let the water out quicker than it can get in ;)

Don't worry about it, your wagon will provide you with years of faithful service, providing you maintain it properly... but this goes for any vehicle. The reason you hear about it with Landy owners is 'cos generally they are "hands-on" type people who like to maintain them at the weekends.

Just enjoy it :)

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put aside all the jokes!! you willl never have more fun than you do in a landrover, u will never have later nights than you will working on it and you will never have more sleepless nights than you will worrying about it!! but once you have been biten by the bug that is landrover you will never be the same again!!! nothing wil beat a landrover!!

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Since buying our Landy and planning our trip I've started hearing loads of jokes about Land Rover (usually from owners of non-Landys) and although I laugh at them I can't help being a little nervous that there might be some truth in what is being said.

I've decided to share some of these jokes in the hope that someone can address the problem presented and say whether it is just a ploy by the competition or something that Land Rovers do suffer from - or just for a laugh depending on the subject...

The joke which I'm going to start with had me laughing (albeit nervously) for quite some time:

Why does Land Rover have heated back windows?

To keep your hands warm when pushing...

i helped a fire engine the other - towed it three miles in my old Discovery I - 300 TDI that has doen 133,000 miles.

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Since buying our Landy and planning our trip I've started hearing loads of jokes about Land Rover (usually from owners of non-Landys) and although I laugh at them I can't help being a little nervous that there might be some truth in what is being said.

I've decided to share some of these jokes in the hope that someone can address the problem presented and say whether it is just a ploy by the competition or something that Land Rovers do suffer from - or just for a laugh depending on the subject...

The joke which I'm going to start with had me laughing (albeit nervously) for quite some time:

Why does Land Rover have heated back windows?

To keep your hands warm when pushing...




Yes, all good fun.

here are 2 of my best.

1. It is a well known fact, 80% of ALL Land Rovers are still on the road to this day.

The other 20% made it home.

2. If you want to go into the bush / desert take a Land rover.

If you want to come back again, take a Land Cruiser.



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my Kreg disco has done 160k+miles but have done so much it should do 100k more

my dads Rreg shogun has done 198k MOT ran out today (i dont think it will get a new one)




My 39 month old Land Cruiser has 215k miles. Still a sweet as a nut.

never stopped once on the side of the road, never missed a beat.

If it doesn't do 500k, I will show my A$$$ in Tesco window.

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"My experience with landies is that they need regular cheap maintenance (oils, gaskets, bearings, seals), whereas jap stuff only goes wrong once in a blue moon but rapes you in the wallet when it does."

So the continual nibbling at the wallet versus one big chunk every so often you say? How is that clutch holding up?or was that just a little nibble? :ph34r:

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