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see http://www.mdengineering.co.uk/index.php?a...ry&cat_id=2

and there kit 82a whicht should be what you need.

bishbosh is right I think.

Just 2 points to add :) a) 300tdi auto boxes are harder to find than for the V8. B) the TDI-auto box (torque converter) cannot handle much more torque than the 300tdi delivers. It will work, apparantly, as you might expect from a factory setup, but I´ve heard of problems with the 4.gear lock-up with tuned TDI´s. The V8 autobox is better in dealing with stronger engines. OTOH the V8 shifing points are completely wrong for the TDI. That could be put right with some few parts (speed governer and kickstart excenter - things Ashcroft will be able to help with). So, in the end, you should listen to Bishbosh :)

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You can fit a 300 to a V8 autobox but it is not straightforward - drop Turbocharger a PM as he has done this in a 90.

You would be better off buying a 300tdi auto disco and swapping bits across.

thanks a lot for your help again lads a think i'll stay with the manual box just now cheers stevie

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