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propshaft question

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hello everybody

just a quick one

on my project 90 restoration i have stripped it down to a roling chassis with the bulkead still in place i also left the prop shafts connected to the diffs but obviously disconnected them at the transfer box. i did mark the flanges at the transfer box end to maintain correct alignment when refitting however now i have washed it and cleaned tx box all my ,arks have dissappeared.

what affect will it have if i just connect the propshafts to the transfer box as they are (cant see alignment marks)

is the propshaft balanced on its own (ie disconnected on a test rig), or when it is fitted in the vehicle

also if i choose to over haul the propshafts with new union joints circlips etc what affect is this likely to have on the balancing

cheers for looking

looking forward to your advice



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prop is balanced on it's own, just reconnect to the transfer box flanges, the bolt pattern will only let it fit in 1 of 2 orientations. so you have a 50/50 chance of getting it refitted the same.

usually UJ overhaul/replacement doesn't affect the prop balance.

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