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Rear Hub Oil Leak

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Hello everyone,

I have a small leak coming from my rear hub. I've done a little research on here but I am a little confused. First I thought it could be the drive member gasket but upon closer inspection, where this gasket is located it is bone dry - it looks like the oil is actually coming out where the hub cap joins. Could this be a seal or is it possible that a old/damaged hub cap is the culprit?

I plan to check the breather first as I understand if this is blocked it can force oil out. I recently changed the axle oil and I remember either the filler or drain plug was weaping quite a bit which was fixed with a bit of PTFE tape - what I'm thinking though is IF the breather is blocked the oil was being forced out the filler/drain plug but now that is 'sealed' the oil is now taking the next easiest route? Possible?


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Very recently I had a problem with large oil slicks under the drain plug and a pretty splashed pattern of oil on the inside of the rear wheel. I fitted a new breather which was very easy and cheap and like you packed the drain plug thread with a sealer. It doesnt leak at all now, its a series and not a defender but they all need to breath.

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