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Squeeky brakes


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I have recently changed all the brake discs and pads on my defender and it has left me with a very loud squeek from the rear wheels. I took the pads out and roughed them up a little along with the discs (as the pads seemed to have become a little shiney), but it still continued. I then changed the rear pads thinking this might cure it but too no avail. Please any suggestions I am sick of everyone within a hundred yards turning around to stare :(

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Ta for the replies. The first pads that i put on were Lockhead and had bevelled edges but they still squeeked, so i swapped them. also put copper slip on them. Help!! :(

We went through 3 sets of pads before we discovered that the squeeking was caused by the calipers being fooked. Changed the calipers and no more squeek.

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