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Forum Peaks trip - the aftermath

Pete Attryde

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Well had a really good day.

Was good to see some old faces and meet some new ones.

As part of Mo's group we did some really nice lanes.

Here's a few pictures from the day.




Met a right bunch of reprobates having a chat in the middle of nowhere. :P .




Hope they have as good weather tommorrow ;)


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the first picture above, is going along houndkirk moor, near foxhouse. you can almost see all of sheffield from up there.

im quite upset i couldnt do the trip, living locally and all, would have been nice to meet you all, bloomin uni work is more important tho....right?

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Living not a million miles away from the peaks, and luckily not having a legalish truck to play with,

As I let the doggie for a pee at about midnight last night and thought about the poor buggers in tents in the peaks,

got in my red hot bed, switched off my electric blanket and dozed off,

you guys must have been freezing or, proper drunk !!

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I have to say I'm glad we stayed at home last night rather than camping, especially after I saw the sprinkling of snow on the cars at 6 this morning when I took the dog out for a walk.

It was a shame to miss todays laning however I don't suppose the conditions were anything like as nice today as they were yesterday.


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No I beat you home (1810) Tim but had trouble extracting son-in-law from computer :)

Smashing weekend, good to see old faces again and to put faces to new names :)

Until the next one ...

You bad John :hysterical:

Did I miss any hardcore moderating ? ;)


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just got back- jeez that wasn't a fun journey home- over 5 hours to do 162 miles on motorways!

Big thanks to all for a very enjoyable weekend- it's a pity that walfy was so grump all weekend as it rather spoiled it for me, there you go though (only kidding mate). ta to Tim for leading and to walfy for navving and opening AND closing all the gates on both days- its not just me that appreciated it!

great to put some faces to names and to come back with some memorable quotes (especially from you Mo)

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Been back a short while. Puggers, glad to of been of service with the gates. And for the record I was happy ALL weekend, didn't get grumpy once. It was nice to be away from it all with friends of old and new. Without internet or mobile comms to the outside world.

Thanks for Tim for inviting me along. And to Puggers & Kat, Sticky & Laura, Ivan & ooooh Jenny I think for making it a great weekend. Really enjoyed getting out and about. Some pics and film were aken by Tim. Sure most will be published in due course.

Once again I'd like to thank Chris for not organising the hotel, also for not organining the laning, and generaly not organising anything really.

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Good trip. I'm back, got lost in Nottingham dropping Reddy off and then a steady 60mph all the way. Was it raining?

I'll put up my photos in the week, but here's two videos to keep you going...

Disco 2 on Stanage, excellent spotting :)

Me, much more controlled

Properly tired now, I'm going to sleep well tonight! Thanks to Chris for not organising it, excellent plan for a weekend.

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No I beat you home (1810) Tim but had trouble extracting son-in-law from computer :)

Smashing weekend, good to see old faces again and to put faces to new names :)

Until the next one ...

You bad John :hysterical:

Did I miss any hardcore moderating ? ;)


Na na na :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

We beat you back...Ten to six......Then I had to get both fires going to try to warm the house up.

Thanks everybody for a super weekend.....


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Had a great weekend. It was really nice to finally put some faces to names. Thanks to Walfy and Sticky for some superb spotting on some of the tricky bits and thanks to Tim for leading the group. Can't wait for the next one. Maybe the Lakes?



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Well a excellent weekend, Thanks for not organising anything Chris :o

Can confirm,, Walfy was not grumpy once all weekend, and thanks for the maps duties, spot on :)

Had a nice easy, social route, rather than cram in loads of lanes, Found one, that looked like it had not been driven for quite a while, Great company in our group, with Pugwash ,Kat and Barney, Ivan and Genny, and Sticky and Laura

Ivan,, saw very little snow etc on the Sunday, hope work sorted itself out OK ??

Great to catch up with some old faces,, and meet a good few new ones, Think the hotel worked fine, plenty of space in the bar :D and warmer that the camp site, i would guess :o

Pics to follow, after i have sorted how the new camera works !!

PS, no problem Chris re the locked thread,, proper Moderation :)

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Well, we had an excellent weekend. Plantpot, Geoff and Erica turned up for some "we're quite warm enough thank you" camping on Friday night and I started at the Quality Hotel (via Sainsburys) in Ashbourne to collect the other members of my group (who didn't turn up :angry2: - cost me half an hour and twenty miles for nothing).

I arrived at the rendezvous with Mike, Margaret (mmgemini) and Martin & Stephanie (M&S) and we ran out across the moor. Martin's shiny Disco2 needed a slight tug to avoid damaging the lane, but that was the only recovery of the weekend - quite a triumph for a group with mostly road tyres.

The scenery in the Dark Peak is always stunning and we picked the right day to head out there - not icy and with good visibility. Stanage was a particular highlight, although downhill with the Disco2 and Mike's 110 needed plenty of spotting and good control from both drivers to avoid bashing anything heavily. I've always said that the driver is the one in control, the spotter's just observing really so the damage to the front bumper when Martin ran into .. well, Derbyshire, that wasn't my fault at all.

We attempted to go up a lane I've never driven before, but turned back on the advice of a motorcyclist who suggested that taking the Disco up might be a poor idea. The steps of the next lane were a rock-stacking challenge but we got down without incident. I wasn't impressed to find we got out of the way swiftly for the alternating headlights and blue lights coming towards us on the other side of the valley, only to find it wasn't mountain rescue, just a group from Daventry(?) with too much spare time and little regard for the law or common sense. By the time we finished that lane it was dark so we took a run through Tissington Ford and then found hotel, camp site, pub and hotel in that order.

The evening was good crack, thanks to a good group of people. It's a shame the hotel had too much money and didn't want ours towards the end of the evening, but we went home and hit the port instead.

Day 1 highlights:







Sunday's lanes were more timid by comparison, looking more for scenery and pleasant driving than rocky challenges. We saw three buzzards and found a couple of lanes by accident, and then saw Monsal Head from an awesome angle before descending into the valley and on to Bakewell. Mike and Margaret left for the north from the pub and we picked up Sticky for "one more lane". This has historically been where things tend to go very wrong, so Sticky suggested we do one more beyond it, and then cancel the plan due to darkness - good suggestion. The last three were pretty but nothing to write home about after the splendour of the day - until the last 300 yards which was a rutted channel with one rut three feet higher than the other. I was worried about damaging Martin's Disco but he was happy to have a go, and then ran into my brother's Ninety in his excitement. From there we went our separate ways.

Day 2 highlights:









All of my pictures are in this Fotopic gallery.

Moments captured on video: (generally in a Blair Witch style, since we didn't stop to erect the mini railway, counterbalanced camera boom and big furry microphone for proper panning and zoom shots)

Disco 2 on Stanage - posted earlier

My Ninety on the same part - posted earlier

Reddy's laning documentary; the BBC may want to make a similar series?

Will crossing Tissington ford in an enthusiastic way

Sticky heading into the lean on the last lane of the day

Will driving the same section

We had plenty of engine-off stops for horses and cyclists, and even walkers where it was narrow and we might be intimidating. Despite that we met some sour-faced miserable b'stards, but also some well informed ramblers who asked where we'd been, what the track was like ahead for them and they wished us a pleasant day's driving. If only there could be more like that...

Total damage for the weekend on my car was a cracked headlight (Tissington ford at night), an exhaust stud sheared (don't know, it only started blowing badly after the last lane so I ran home and cut the stud out to fit a bolt before the run to Bristol) and a bad vibration which felt like difflock hadn't disengaged (bounced up and down a few kerbs with no effect, then jacked up a wheel at home and it all released).

Absolutely brilliant weekend, thanks Chris, your facilitation of disorganisation was much appreciated. Bystanders could see how little organisation there was from the way all three groups met up in the same place for lunch on the second day... ;) I definately need a CB and MemoryMap for the next one.

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Good write up turbo :)

A few shots i got, with our group, sorry that that all seam to be the same as the ones above

Sticky following me down,



Ivan, been spotted down


Followed by Pugwash


The only running repair that was needed over the weekend,,no low box !!! (Note not LR !!)


Will have to ask the man on the maps, where it was ??


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