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Clutch Change

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I have been watching this topic with some interest as I replaced a clutch in my 110 2.5n a d using advice from this forum and very helpful it was. I left the advice to the pro's who know about these things.

It all went well I must add, only slight thing was I forgot to turn the crank over slightly to line up the shaft. Once that was done it was more or less a tighten up job.

Check you are getting all of the gears in both hi and lo and diff lock. As it's a pain if you put the floor back in and you have trouble selecting gears and are not moving. Now is also a good time to fix your reversing light switch or your diff lock switch if broken what about adjusting the trans brake too.

I would nearly attemtp any thing now. When confidence if high tackle anything ( in the Land Rover department that is ) and learn from any mistakes.

Good Luck

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Glad it has been of intrest, I thinkit is nice to read a noob doing a job as it shows some issues that come up due to lack of experience that may not come across in some of the very helpful write ups by the big boys.

It also shows that even without a decent workshop and on your tod you can do these big jobs

all gears work and taking a tip off old Les I scored the transferbox leaver so all the linkages went back correctly and a quick run of the engine showed it all working well.

I did forget to do the t-box front flange seal before I filled with ep90 :rolleyes: and to be honest I need the car on the road asap so that job can wait a bit longer :P

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You are no noob,

I was in the same situation.With limited knowledge, but good people giving good advise.

I could not remove the spigot bush but the old one looked ok so I left it.

I took in to do a snapped timing belt on my Disco and managed it with help of course, but it has developed a small water weep at the back of the head. I may have nipped the gasket putting the head on. Another job to do but not as daunting.

I don't buy any of the mags on sale this site is much better, I do try to donate to it now and again though, remind me to remind me to donate in the new year which is not far away and I will have to get some stickers too. :P

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I could not remove the spigot bush but the old one looked ok so I left it.

Fill the bearing 3/4 full of grease, find an approx diameter bar to go in spigot bearing and give it a short sharp tw*t with a hammer.The grease forces the bearing out ;)

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Well its all back together!!

Took her for a shake down drive and what a difference, Ashcrofts box is so tight (oo er) and smooth it positively glides and the new clutch has far more bight than the old one.

I also discovered what the jangly rattly noise that has been present since I bought the car is, there is a metal ring (mud shield?) on the front output flange of the t-box that has come away and jangles around the flange shaft, so I will sort that when I do the front flange seal.


Much to Bushwacker12345's amusement after testing all the gears when I put the tunnel back on I can't get into Low range :rolleyes: as the leave clonks the tunnel aperture, I need to move the collar back a spline or two (even though I lined up my scratch mark??)

Also I must have put the main gear leaver in an odd position as it feels to far to the left so need to move that

The biggest "issue" is that at idle in natural the car vibrates more than before, as soon as you give her some revs she is a smooth as butter, she was a bit vibrated before so with the new gearbox mounts compared to the old knackered ones I suppose this could account for it? Again as soon as your in gear and driving it is also silky smooth with the higher revs.

How vibraty are other peoples defender at idle? is it worth increasing the engine idle a bit? what should the engine idle be?

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Cheers chap, dispite all the agro itr does feel very rewarding to finally drive along and feel the difference that you have made.

A big thanks to everyong on the board for their advice and assistnace, it would have been far harder to do it without it.

short of tipex on the crank pully and counting reeeeeealy fast is there any way to get it close :P or is it just best to go by sound and balance the vibration reduction and the engine running too fast

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