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High Ratio Transfer Box.


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I have just pulled my Gearbox out and opened up the transfer box to find the helical output gear missing several teeth.

To repair it I just need a gearset not the full kit which includes the machined casing.

I was wondering if the gearing was taken from something else and used in this application rather than being purpose made which would seem to be prohibatively expensive. If so hopefully I should be able to get hold of some.

I'll ring Ashcroft's on Monday. Can't complain though as this tx box has been in for 14 years and seen much abuse.




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I belive the bottom gear is the same as the top gear, but they bored it out to loose the splines, so all you effectively need is 2 standard input gears, one bored out and a standard middle cluster.

You should be able to repair it quite cheaply.

May i ask how did that Happen?? as i rarely saw broken series transfer cases........


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I belive the bottom gear is the same as the top gear, but they bored it out to loose the splines, so all you effectively need is 2 standard input gears, one bored out and a standard middle cluster.

You should be able to repair it quite cheaply.

May i ask how did that Happen?? as i rarely saw broken series transfer cases........


I was suprised myself! I was fully expecting it to be a mainbox issue and I was going to swap this High Ratio transfer box across to my 'new' box. I have no idea, I suspect I have started a crack a while ago and then it failed on normal driving, or I may still find a fault when I strip the mainbox and that this has been like this for a while. It was infact still driving just fine but was making a horrible ratchet like noise on over run.

I'm missing it already and I have only done 5 miles on standard gearing! Might have to get an overdrive as a temporary measure. I reckon my engine would pull overdrive and high ratio as a proper overdrive ie once up to cruising speed on a motorway etc. Shame you can't use both.

I'll email Mr Ashcroft and see what he says. Hopefully you are correct and I can fix it for a reasonable price.

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