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Not the best start to our holiday in the Alps!!

Got cut up on the M20 in Fokestone by a Disco 3 towing a large white box trailer with roller shutter door. (There were actually two travelling in convoy). Corkscrewed down the road for about 150yds, then span and rolled, hitting central reservation twice. Offending vehicle stopped on hard shoulder until he saw someone get out, then drove off immediately - no details given.


My girlfriend (driving) has lots of bruises: legs, face/jaw, shoulder/chest and hands, as well as lots of glass in her hands.

My brother (behind driver) who was asleep at the time - no injuries whatsoever.

Me (passenger seat) no injuries until I went crawling around inside on the tarmac, then a few small cuts on my hands. I gained a lump on my head somewhere along the line too.

Now i need another truck! Suggestions gratefully received! Thinking about another disco, or perhaps 110/130? Its my daily driver for a 40 mile round trip 3/4 times a week. I also tend to carry all my kit around with me - storage at home is limited. I'd just finished a storage shelf/box build in the disco with 4 extra AGM lifeline batteries and an inverter when this happened :-(


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Extremely serious damage to the Disco and relatively light injuries to occupants.

Says something about the strength of Land Rovers.

Glad you are OK. Disco is just a lump of metal, that can be replaced.

Hope girlfriend gets over bruising soon and that you get another decent set of wheels quickly.



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Looking at that I'd be going for another Disco for sure!

Glad you are all here to tell the tale. I've seen many similar accidents where the occupants weren't so lucky.

Also I hope that they catch the D3 owners. Even if they didn't realise that they caused the accident, the fact they stopped then drove off...they should have offered help, called the emergency services etc.

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Believe me it would have been very different in a Defender, without a cage.

Been there, done that on the motorway.

Get well soon and hope you don't have any lasting injuries. Bet your a bit sore now.

After 12 years I still have neck and back problems though. :(

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Thanks for all the good wishes chaps!

The not in service sign just had to go there for the photo!

I had an above windscreen light bar (that used to be on Mark's disco), i believe that it saved the driver's side from collapsing totally as it is still attached to both sides, and had deformed the passengers side a-post outwards significantly.

Dog guard bolted in top and bottom, and everything bungeed in inside probably saved more injuries and a much bigger mess. As it is, we're collecting a hire car this afternoon, and going to France 2 days late!

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What a mess!!!! Thankfully you got away with it with very light injuries - it shows how much little things like a dog gaurd do in the event of a roll!

Hopefully the police will catch up with the driver of the D3. Even if they weren't caught by the cameras at the scene of the accident the vehicle will be very distinctive and should be able to be traced by looking at cameras before and after the accident.

After this you REALLY need a holiday!

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I know I'm repeating everyone else but in the grand scheme off things you got off very lightly and you will all hopefuly get well soon with no long term effects. Again lets hope the bug*er in the D3 gets caught.....

When finances allow I'd like a Disco or RRC as a family off roader with full cage....The 90 is great and I'll probably never sell it but now got 3 children so 5 in to a 4 seater doesn't go...Plus air con and leather wouldn't go amiss for off roading holidays. It would have to be an oil burner or lpg and I'd make the 90 abit more hard core....Best of luck with your search....

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