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Legality sub-forum?


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Just a suggestion, I would have thought a "keep it legal" sub forum would be a good idea.

Somewhere people could ask about insurance, SVA, road tax, dodgy motors on ebay, mot, vosa etc.

A least one person has voiced their iritation that the SVA police keep invading and that they would not be visiting the forum again. Perhaps a dedicated area would help?

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I am sorry to say this, but LR4x4 is definately not the place to be asking legal advice.

If you need to know if something is legal or not, ask the relevant agency, not a bunch of strangers on the internet!

Imagine being in the dock for some alleged offence and presenting your defence as "Bogmonster said it was OK" (sorry Boggie!) or "Hybrid from Hell was certain it was kosher". I think the judge would be rolling in the isles as they took you down!

Yes you can get a steer from people who may have been in a similar situation / done similar modifications, but at the end of the day you must get authoritative advice from the correct individuals.

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as a mere user I'd agree with Mr Bosh too. What might be helpful though could be a guide or links to the agency information, most of it's on the net so a sticky thread or even one in the technical archive might be helpful?

(I haven't looked so if there's already one sorry ;) )

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Good L/R's on e-blag (or elsewhere) is fair comment.

Dodgy L/R's on e-blag (or elsewhere) is also fair comment.

Setting ourselves up as some kind of legal authority is dangerous ground.

Vosa, Uk MOT, DVLA, etc all have websites and they are the official authorities you should always refer to for legal issues - as well as your insurance company and the Police


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I didn't mean a "how to keep it legal" that was a potential title

It was more aimed at the kind of regular questions that appear in the international forum, examples being:

How do I unSORN my vehicle?

How much/where should I insure my defender, rr, disco etc?

Does this need an SVA?

What is your experience changing an engine number with the dvla?

That needs an SVA.

How much is road tax in 2013?

Can I fit a 100w reversing light?

Most of these questions are hardly international, more to the point it does make a technical forum appear to be obsessed with "legality".

I was just thinking that it might make things a little clearer if these discussions could sit in their own section.

If mods are happier with leaving things unchanged - so be it.


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To be fair, I think the international forum is not quite living up to it's title, it is heavily UK based. Putting a sub forum about legal queries like SORN is not very important to those from further afield.

If you looked at the current crop of threads a good proportion are of interest only to brits. It's only natural, since I guess the membership is heavily UK based, and until I moved here I didn't really twig.

Apart from trying to go back to country specific forums I don't know what we can do about it.

Is the international section meant to contain technical threads across the whole LR spectrum of interest to all users everywhere or a place we mention things like SVA, road tax, insurance, fuel prices etc.

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The default answer is always "ask the relevant agency" as no-one can be sure until the man from the ministry has signed the bit of paper. All the rules & regs are open to interpretation be it by MOT men or the man from VOSA. Anything people may post is at best correct for their situation with their truck on one day when it was MOT'd/SVA'd/pulled over and will be different for the next guy.

FWIW there's a reasonably good VOSA/SVA/MOT kinda thing in the recent Practical Performance Car mag where they sort-of-try to pin down the man from VOSA and most of his answers are "you'd have to present the vehicle and let us decide". In other words, even the agency themselves will not be drawn on anything beyond the good word as told by the book.

Considering the volume of posts on the subject you may as well argue for a "tyres" forum, a "funny noise" forum and an "it won't start" forum. :rolleyes:

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Nothing really needs "doing"

it was a carry over name from the old site, mention what you like there if it is vehicle/topic specific then there are sub forums for most of those.

Not sure I follow you. Until about a year or so ago there used to be a rest of the world area with UAE, Oz etc represented. As I recall the idea was that since they didn't have a lot of traffic they were merged into the international section.

I don't think splitting the forum up is needed or worthwhile, you can easily end up with the PITA of figuring out if you have posted in the wrong forum.

What I was referring to is that the international forum has a heavy UK slant to it, because of the mix of members presumably, and that trying to post anything about other countries could easily be swamped by the latest "does my car need an SVA thread".

Perhaps there is some benefit to creating a UK portion with very UK specific discussions on it. It may be about a LR SVA, but it has bugger all to do with the guys in France or elsewhere does it? Personally I'm still interested, I have mates going through the process and I like to know what is happening, but I know that won't be true of others.

I mention it only in reference to the discussion about do we need a legal sub-forum, and how useful that would be when we all come from different areas in the international section.

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The other sections you mentioned attracted so little traffic the decision was made to amalgamate them into one.

The concencus for a legalities section is a No anyways as the correct place to ask is the official body, that doesn't mean people should/can not ask

but the forum as such having a legal area is a minefield not worth entering.

My post was a clarification that anything can be posted in the international and is welcomed, if it isn't apparently obvious from the sub sections we have


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I Agree with the MODs on this one

The problem is on a forum there are far too many people who think they know everything but infact know F All. when i imprted my 90 in Aus i had loads of, I have a mate who , and my freind did this and this happen, and you wdon't want to do that because . Infact it was all carp and i am glad i did not listern to them. But still hear people go on about stuff which is wrong and they think they know it all.

So i think a forum about legal stuff would be wrong and dangerous


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I agree with steve a, the majority of the postings in the international forum are Uk based, we do not have Sva where I live and so this is a whole area which means nothing to me.

Personally I do not post too many tech questions to this site as the dreaded sva usually rears it head if anyone even wants to discuss chassis modifications.

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I think for the majority, certainly within the EU, the SVA or something like it will apply so I can't see it being such an issue - also although the forum is international it must be acknowledged that it's an English speaking forum with predominantly UK members for a vehicle that's made in the UK so that's the bias you're going to get. It's not hard to post up an say you don't have to worry about it where you are.

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