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oh whatever


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I made this >


I expect derision, that's fine, I just got tired of the number of twats energetic members of the 4x4 community on green lanes outnumbering the number of folks who just took it gentle and enjoyed the view >

and just to make matters worse please find enclosed a thread I posted on another section of this forum. Enjoy;

I'm really cautious to wade in here ... especially as my previous contributions to the green laning, off road, recreational use of 4x4's outside of pay and play sites got moderated out of existence ...

The use of green lanes by 4x4's is not, in itself, a bad thing. Access to the countryside by all should be encouraged, active involvement in the great outdoors is healthy for each of us and for our culture. Responsible use of 4x4's as part of the enjoyment of our nations spectacular beauty should also be welcomed, the inaccessible becomes accessible, positive benefits accrue in terms of helping monitor responsible stewardship, spotting pollution problems, being able to assist with injured livestock, report damage to infrastructure etc etc

Green lanes shouldn't be hidden away for fear of inappropriate use, however, being aware that some drivers will behave irresponsibly will help formulate a response that does not necessarily require outright banning. The right to use these lanes is, after-all, an established right granted to generations. I have a definite knee jerk reaction to any superannuated official ( who's wages I sweat to pay ) telling me a freedom is being withdrawn because of some additional mud being churned. Lets deal with the mud without infringing liberty, it may be harder to do, but it's the right thing to do.

As a very small example, in my grumpy old man way trawling through youtube when I find something especially offensive and reckless I post two paragraphs of advice condensed from the Glass recommendations. The length of each paragraph is dictated by the youtube 500 word maximum. It's not much, but it does help flag the issue to drivers who may not be thinking about the wider implications of their actions. I know it looks daft and it feels pretty stupid to post on youtube, I'm certainly not happy about becoming a grumpy old git, but in faith I really couldn't sit back and do absolutely nothing.

Here, just incase anyone wants to join the rising tide against irresponsible use of green lanes, is the text, I'd urge you to post it. If nothing else just so I don't have to feel like a total prat.

Use only rights of way with known, proven or provable vehicular rights. Keep to the defined track. Detour only to pass immovable obstructions. Travel at a quiet and unobtrusive pace and as slowly as practicable; a maximum of 12 mph when in a 4x4 and on an Unsurfaced Right of Way (URoW). Ensure your vehicle is fully road-legal, URoW are subject to the same laws as surfaced roads. When travelling in groups, keep to a small number - four or less.

Do not travel on URoW when they risk being affected beyond a point of natural recovery. Do not use URoW that maybe damaged by the wheel pressure applied by your vehicle. Avoid damage to trees, hedgerows and boundaries. Some roads carry vehicular rights but are physically too narrow for 4x4s. Do not practice recovery techniques on any URoW. Be courteous to other road users. Remember that wildlife faces many threats and URoW are valuable habitats. Glass-Uk.org

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Change of heart Mr Gump or just on your soap box today?

On me soap box :lol:

The video was made on the strip of dirt that runs from the road to my house, it's not a green lane, so technically I'm not green laning. As an insight that strip of dirt cost about £ 1,000 a year to maintain, it swallows aggregate, so you could say I do have a slight bias toward those who might act to prevent green lane use, especially if the cost of maintenance falls to them.

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No way am I going to deride you for that video, it is excellent, and should be posted on ALL the forums. I hope you don't mind if I link it to the Freelander forum?

Excellent music too. I think Runrig are great, considering I'm a Welshman!!

Please post away, although be mindful I haven't asked the mighty Runrig for their permission to use the song, copyright law being what it is. I'm a big fan of their music, natural Land Rover Defender soundtrack.

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