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Transfer box... coupling... or....?


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Gave the Rangie the beans up a rather slippery steep rocky hill recently, bit of bouncing and wheel spin, but got there eventually...

When I got to the top and back on some tarmac everything was fine, until I tried to turn a corner... when I did there was a bit of a funny noise coming from somewhere under the floor between the middle and the rear of the vehicle but ONLY when turning the steering wheel -straight ahead was absolutely fine. The sound was a clicking/flapping noise (definitly quite mechanical in sound), and given it's frequency I would say it was linked to propshaft speed rather than wheel. I got out and had a good look underneath, but nothing to really see.

So... drive gingerly only to the main road waiting for something to fall off and the noise gradually subsided and disappears altogether within 1/4 mile. Great!

The lane was a 'Y' shape, we drove the other leg of the 'Y' and then drove the same bit of the lane that had caused the issue before -this time I managed it with a lot less beans, however once at the top I had the same symptoms, no worse or better, again it disappeared pretty soon after getting on the black stuff.

VC checked out OK once home (turns wheel slowly while standing on wheelbrace), just wondering if anyone else has had similar, and was it something serious? :unsure:

It's the Rangie in the sig, standard BW t-box.

Posted in International as it is a bit more generic than 'Range Rover' -if the mods see fit to move it then I won't mind :)



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When I had a lunched VC (bizzarely it had failed and become an open diff) there was no evidential noise.

On a rangie a clicking CV is very obviously at the front corner so given your symptons I would rule that out too.

I would suspect the VC, but only becasue I can't think of anything else obvious! Perhaps it is on its last legs. Are the box oils correct?

Of course, you could always call Ashcrofts.... ;)

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Fair enough.

just a suggestion

Sorry White90, I wrote that not meaning to sound rude in anyway, apologies if I upset you in anyway :(

Yes, Landkeeper there is, and it did occur to me that this might be part of the problem, though not knowing the internals of a BW box I was unable to make any real diagnosis hence this post.... anyone had experience of a slipping chain?

Bish: Box oils.... damn good point, maybe I should check them, as I never have -having said that it is bone dry underneath -I'll check just not convinced it is the problem...

I'll do a few more road miles and test the VC again, it might well be worn out, and giving the chain a hard time I suppose.

As an option, partly to restore gearing, has anyone fitted an LT230 to a BW-transfer boxed Rangie, and has any BTDT info?



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