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opinions on roll cages

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hello all i'm thinking of possibly fitting a roll cage to my 90 a part internal part external

its mostly used for greenlaneing but have started to atend quite a few pay and play days and have seen a few pics of rolled landrovers and they are quite concerning.

and i am gonna ask for your for and against. is there any reasons out there for not having one or having a diffrent type?

have any of you out there experienced a roll with or with out a cage?

i can see the point of you only ever really need a cage if you roll it! but just some opinions would be handy before i hand over my cash

what have you guys got?

thanks all

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I have just fitted a cage, as I don't want to rely on a piece of alloy to save my neck although just having a cage is no guarantee, good belts / harnesses depending on what you are doing. I have a truck cab so no internal for me, if I did have a hardtop I would go for a full external if I required the space or half & half if not.

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I'm sure you'll get some good responses here, but it may be more productive to try a search on the whole forum and have a 10-15min read as there have been a number of good posts on this subject across forums like International, Competitions, tools and fabrication and Defender.

Then you can come back armed with some specific questions....



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i can see the point of you only ever really need a cage if you roll it! but just some opinions would be handy before i hand over my cash

what have you guys got?

thanks all

You just dont know , any situation could accidently or non -intentionaly cause your vehicle to roll , Ive had my truck over a few times and was expecting it to go over , No problem , But one time I least expected it to go over it did and about 10 times and that was a simple drive across some farmland . Luckily me and Rich my co driver both walked away from it with only a few broken body parts ,But it was all thanks to the cage that we could actualy could walk away .

Pics here from the morning after http://www.devon4x4.com/gallery/186/decide...ture-10037.html

If your only using it for green laning ,I would still go for a cage ,you always seem to be in search of things more challenging and it usualy when things go horribly wrong .

Its your life mate , How much you value it is up to you .

I have just purchased a new cage from P&P and very happy with everything about it

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i know its a bit O/T but bear with me as its a spur of the moment thing, but if you have a rollcage shouldnt you get cheaper insurance? think about it, if you have a full external and you roll, your less likely to make a claim than if you have no cage because you will need a new roof and other things et.

anyone else thought of this?


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For some reason some insurance companies won't insure you at all if you have a cage. NFU, for example.

I've got a cage and NFU insure me....they know about every mod from tyres & suspension to winches and cage without a problem.

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I've got a cage and NFU insure me....they know about every mod from tyres & suspension to winches and cage without a problem.

I know several people who have cages and are insured with NFU, I have also seen a letter from NFU central office stating that their regional offices are incorrect to issue policies to vehicles with roll cages. My team mate was insured with them for years until he received a letter informing him his policy had been canceled due to having a roll cage fitted (that he disclosed when he took out and renewed the insurance). The policy was issued by a local office and the central office canceled it during a random review of policies.

Maybe they've changed their policy since or maybe the regional offices are still issuing policies against the advice of the central office. How would you know unless you're policy was subject to one of their random reviews ? I don't trust them anymore.

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If you look at the tech regs and metal specs 48.3mm or CDs 50mm is over what is needed, so 3" isn't used

as isn't needed other than by the Chavs and the "Its well wikid innit Mr" crew :lol:

FWIW I have had a cage on every 4x4 I have had over the years, the last "Big" roll I had was at a play

day where I was just "looking around", up to then all had been well, then I (and pasenger Jon White)

came to a steep drop, we didn't have belts on, I remember saying "shove your harness on Jon - its a

tad steep", ..............

I never even moved from the spot I was at, the engine at tickover and the ground below

gave way, we had our belts on by then - 6 point harnesses, and the Hybrid had the back end come

up and over the front as the ground broke away, then we went side over side twice and then hit a

tree at the bottom.

We were hugely dazzed, but alive and unharmed, we both had harness bruises due to the impacts,

and this was absolutely unexpected,

post-22-1234565701_thumb.jpg post-22-1234565620_thumb.jpg post-22-1234565586_thumb.jpg

Get a cage if you go off road, forget the "PP is better than"..... "NOR is better than" etc etc nonsense, a decent

cage well made and well welded can save your lives, I shudder to think what would have been the

outcome for us without the Hybrids cage, the bulkhead was moved 4 inches the chassis twisted and

the cage moved too, but we are still both here, do NOT underestimate what can happen off road,

and when you LEAST expect it


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to stop geting too O/T i put up a seperate thread

rollcage insurance palava


p.s i would definately get a rollcage, personally i would go for a full external jobby due to the idea that you are more likely to be able to got up and drive home if you do flop over.

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The last time I went off road without a roll cage was in 1991, we were at a P&P day and ended up accidentally driving off the edge of a quarry face. I wasn't convinced either of us was going to survive the drop and it's a credit to Pam (she was driving) that she kept her cool and somehow manage to keep it straight so when we hit the bank of earth at the bottom it stayed on it's wheels and the only damage was the hole in the bottom of the radiator where the front axle hit it (it was quite an impact !).

It was sometime around half way down the face of the quarry that I decided, if we survived, I wouldn't off road without a cage again. After getting recovered home I spent the next few months putting a new chassis under it and getting a roll cage fitted.

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Ive just ordered a NOR full external cage in a kit form, It looks like a good quality cage and the reason i went for a full external roll cage was that it will protect the roof and the rear sides from trees etc. If you get a full external kit from NOR its a bit more expensive than one from whitbread but its a thicker tube (50.8mm) and it looks like a closer fitting cage. Once its arrived and fitted i will let you know what i think of it.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been looking into getting a full external cage for my 90 hard top, I do some RTV trials,the odd pay and play sites and the odd green lane. I use my 90 every day as it is my main car. Dose having a cage fitted affect the road handling, I have got a 2"lift with OME shocks and springs will make it alot more top heavy? I have only seen a couple of trucks roll at the RTV's and they both had cages fitted, all the other trucks driving the same route without cages were fine, both rolls where at less than 10mph and no one was hurt!

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I have a 90 Hard top with full cage OME suspension and it handles perfectly ok on road

I wouldn't want to roll over ever without a cage

having done so with a cage it was water of a ducks back

had I had no cage I'd have had a Huge repair bill for sides/roof/screen etc etc

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Obviously it adds weight up top and moves the COG however i never found it to be a problem, or even noticable.

Thanks for that, dose anyone know how much the averege external cage weighs? I know it depends on how many tubes are involved and the thickness of the tubes but I just want a guide?

I will also have to do something about my safari snorkel, I fitted it before thinking about a cage. I might get a south down jobbie? I will have to do something with the front wing where I drilled the holes to fit the safari snorkel. Anyway this will have to wait till ive saved some pennys! I will be going to most of the shows over the summer so I might be able to get a good deal there?

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I have a 90 Hard top with full cage OME suspension and it handles perfectly ok on road

I wouldn't want to roll over ever without a cage

having done so with a cage it was water of a ducks back

had I had no cage I'd have had a Huge repair bill for sides/roof/screen etc etc

What cage have you got? have you any pics of it fitted?

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My truck cab cage was liftable by one strong person, or 2 normal people, so 75kg?? Dont forget not all of that is high up as the legs and diagonals run down. probably only 50% of the weight is above the COG, maybe 60% at a push so its really not a huge ammount, its the difference between driving with a full tank of fuel, or an empty one but at the top of the vehicle rather than the bottom if you get my drift!

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