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Sat Nav ............ But What One?


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I want a new toy ........... yes a sat nav system

Want to sent £ 300 max although may go alittle higher for the right one

Spec/what I want it for

Transferable from car to car and for walking around so must have its own battery

Visual and audio directions

Points of interest

For uk only but may go on hols to NZ this xmas and would like to use it there so will need to be able to d/l or maps

Maybe for ploting where I am off road

All in one unit don't want too many cables everywhere

Speed camera alert (possibly mobile cameras/police gun type)

Largest anfd clearest screen I can get for the money

Friend of mine has just brought a Navman ICN 520 from Halfrouds £ 250 ish looks quite good

Would be interested in what you think

Many thansk for any replies



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I have a Mitac Mio PDA with inbuilt GPS receiver (no extra wires etc) - less than £200 via eblag. Runs TomTom for Sat Nav and Memory Map for OS maps or aerial photography.

Incidentally where are all the POI overlays available from?

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TomTom is great when you're on the road, but bottles out big-time as soon as you get even a yard off the beaten track, so your best solution would be to get a PDA which is capable of running something else for all your off-road needs: I use good old-fashioned paper maps off-road, so I can't advise on that bit.

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Incidentally where are all the POI overlays available from?

As far as POIs are concerned you can get a load of different ones of various degrees of use from here:


That is just for TomTom but I bet there are overlays for other GPS units.

There's even an overlay for Land Rover main stealers in case you want somewhere to avoid.

I can dig out the address of the wetroads.co.uk overlay if anyone wants it. I just had a very pleasant weekend driving through rivers with it.

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If you do go the PDA route don't get a Garmin cfQue.I still have the new replacement and it's for sale.

Well mine lasted two weeks in Southern Africa.

Have you looked on www.globalpositioningsystems.co.uk ?

I eat rat poison


I can cause trouble in an empty house.

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Ive had a few handheld pda sat navs, they are ok, but like you say wires, cradles etc, its a pain.

Ive now got the Tom Tom 500 .

This is the middle model, Im sure the cheaper 300 model will be just as good, all its missing is the bluetooth hands free feature, which I dont use (the dedicated nokia kit fitted to my car is still far superior) although a work collegue uses his tom tom handsfree with the optional remote microphone which improves matters no end (it can handle text messages as well).

As a road going Sat Nav its spot on, also its spot on off the beaten track as long as you use the RIGHT maps, standard issue road maps are not good for byways etc.

So for a neat all in one, transferable unit its good.

Also, there are so many points of interests for tom tom maps from speed cameras to ATM machines.

Its not the be all and end all, but we can start talking serious money very quickly here.

I bought mine from the carphone warehouse, who wouldnt offer any discount unless I bought a phone, so get this.... I bought a pay as you go for £15 + £5 airtime and they knocked off 30%!!!! (at the time, 30% = £140ish). I dropped off the PAYG in the charity shop 4 doors down the high street.? Needless to say, we went down mob handed and bought another 8 units for work, the charity shop couldnt thank us enough. This was last October, so things might have changed, although Im sure the 16yr old manager must have got the sack

If you do go for a Card memory model, dont be stingy on the memory card or maps, go for the full mapping, my first two sat navs had only partial mapping, and beleive me, its annoying when you run out of road!

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Have you thought about the navman PiN 570 £230

its a PDA wit built in GPS receiver and SmartST 2005 which is supposed to be just as good or even better than Tom Tom, It can Run memory map via an expansion SD card which are about £30,

and you can buy maps for new Zealand from navmam.

Navman PiN 570

Tom :)

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I want a new toy ........... yes a sat nav system

Want to sent £ 300 max although may go alittle higher for the right one

Spec/what I want it for

Transferable from car to car and for walking around so must have its own battery

Visual and audio directions

Points of interest

For uk only but may go on hols to NZ this xmas and would like to use it there so will need to be able to d/l or maps

Maybe for ploting where I am off road

All in one unit don't want too many cables everywhere

Speed camera alert (possibly mobile cameras/police gun type)

Largest anfd clearest screen I can get for the money

Friend of mine has just brought a Navman ICN 520 from Halfrouds £ 250 ish looks quite good

Would be interested in what you think

Many thansk for any replies



Hi Steve

I can't rate the Garmin Quest high enough.

Check out the spec on the Garmin website. Its not much bigger than a mobile phone with a large (ish) colour screen and a 20 hour battery (rechargeable) It simply slips into your pocket for walking about off road and leaves a trail along your route so you could trackback (retrace your steps/wheelmarks) in the middle of nowhere. It clips into a holder in your car and plugs into the cigarette lighter. Using this single connection also permits voice directional commands. leaving you to concentrate on driving. It will find fuel stations and accomodation or points of interest where ever you happen to be. I have used it on aircraft on boats on a motorcycle trip around the mediteranean which took me right across Libya. I have used it in China the Phillipines and Africa I will not be parted from it. There are downladable maps available although the highly detailed city maps are only really of European cities but they all come on a CD with the unit. Check it out and have a play with one.

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I've used the Garmin Quest and it is very good, but I use a PDA (Orange XDA2) with TomTom and Memory Map and it is a lot better as an all round navigation package. I use a bluetooth GPS receiver and it appears to find a signal better than my Etrex. Works wherever you put it in the car, and even gets some signal inside my house! Haven't tried it in the 90 yet under trees but I'm fairly sure it'll perform better than the Etrex.

Very impressed with the RAM PDA mount too, holds it perfectly in place.


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