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My last two posts have gone but dont know where? I posted it Monday night and again yesterday. It was about your passpot details, if you typed in your name and country of birth after a few seconds up pops a picture with a chimp and your name with it, was just for to bring a smile to everyones faces and have a laugh, is that not allowed on here??????????????? :o

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My last two posts have gone but dont know where? I posted it Monday night and again yesterday. It was about your passpot details, if you typed in your name and country of birth after a few seconds up pops a picture with a chimp and your name with it, was just for to bring a smile to everyones faces and have a laugh, is that not allowed on here??????????????? :o

Imagine the chaos if we all posted every funny we got in an email?


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Imagine the chaos if we all posted every funny we got in an email?


Point taken, how about getting a forum started for off topic section for a bit of banter for those with a sense of humour?
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Here we go again ...


For humour and banter the LRO or LRE forums are the place to go. This is a highly specialized and highly technical forum that allows only mild humour in small amounts.



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General etiquette dictates that not only should you not post everything funny that arrives in your inbox, but you should also not forward it to everyone in your address book - the chances are that if you're the sort of person who does that, everyone else has either already seen it already, it's not that funny anyway, or it's actually some sort of virus or hoax that relies on the stupid to spread.

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Your post was deleted by the primary moderator for this section Ralph (Western) yesterday evening as we strive to keep the forum on topic as much as possible. The subject of off topic sections has been discussed many times in the past but we have always come down in favour of keeping the LR4x4.com as focussed as possible as that is what makes it different from so many other forums out there. Having explained that again I trust this thread will now rapidly drop off the page.

In future if you have a query regarding moderation please do not hesitate to drop one of the moderators a PM.



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In fact I deleted 2 copies of that post over the last 2 days.

if your unsure Please PM me or MOG & we will reply, it maybe not what you want to hear BUT this is a Tech forum for our beloved/hated 90/110/Defenders.

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In fact I deleted 2 copies of that post over the last 2 days.

if your unsure Please PM me or MOG & we will reply, it maybe not what you want to hear BUT this is a Tech forum for our beloved/hated 90/110/Defenders.

Ok no problem, just thought I had put them somewhere else and when there was no notice and they were gone did not know what had happened. Did not intend to upset the apple cart.

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It would probably have been better to have either locked the original thread after posting something on it saying why it was locked, or dropping a PM to the poster to let him know his wrong doing, especially when it happened twice...

Simply deleting the thread with no information is only going to cause confusion, especially with new users who obviously have no idea that such postings are frowned upon.

Sorry for posting and keeping this thread active, but i thaught i'd add my 2p

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Locking the thread means if we did this all the time the forum would be littered with Off Topic stuff with locked threads, making it look frankly a mess, and these threads would not really be of interest to many, and would potentially damage the tech and nature of LR4x4. Removal of threads is thus the way they are dealt with, always have been and will be.

Wre a thread is maybe very loosely connected, or maybe seriously OT But still vaguely LR related in some way, often (I did recently this week) the thread is left, but then lockedt so it is only there for a short moment as it will then drop off the page. This way we keep all the forum true to its Charter and content valid for all to enjoy


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Don't know if Invision do this, but it would be fab to be able to mark a thread as 'spammage', lock it, and then after a week it would get auto-deleted.

There could be a plugin somewhere to do this, worth a look?

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It would probably have been better to have either locked the original thread after posting something on it saying why it was locked, or dropping a PM to the poster to let him know his wrong doing, especially when it happened twice...

Simply deleting the thread with no information is only going to cause confusion, especially with new users who obviously have no idea that such postings are frowned upon.

Sorry for posting and keeping this thread active, but i thaught i'd add my 2p

You raise some valid points but perhaps I ought to remind some that many of the moderators and admins have quite a few years experience both here and elsewhere. That said, helpful suggestions preferably by PM are always welcome :)

Our life would be far easier and we would have more time to send and debate full explanations of day to day moderating actions to all concerned if we did not have to spend so much time keeping the forum focussed and pointing to our rules and charter ...especially to those newcomers who often appear not have read them.

I'm now accepting your advice and locking this thread ;)

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