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ive tried to change the diesel filter and its gone wrong ???? how i can hear you saying answer is i dont know.

i bought a new filter to fit read this article : http://www.landroverclub.net/Club/HTML/Mai...fuel_filter.htm

and i removed the retainer nut pulled off the old filter caught the fuel from it in a clean tub.

then i tried the new filter for size its the wrong type :angry:

soooo. i cleaned up the original as best i could and tried it back on it started for a second caughed a big chest full of smoke and died .

ive now got a battery thats nearly flat due to trying it again an again for nearly an hour. whats wrong people.

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ive tried to change the diesel filter and its gone wrong ???? how i can hear you saying answer is i dont know.

i bought a new filter to fit read this article : http://www.landroverclub.net/Club/HTML/Mai...fuel_filter.htm

and i removed the retainer nut pulled off the old filter caught the fuel from it in a clean tub.

then i tried the new filter for size its the wrong type :angry:

soooo. i cleaned up the original as best i could and tried it back on it started for a second caughed a big chest full of smoke and died .

ive now got a battery thats nearly flat due to trying it again an again for nearly an hour. whats wrong people.

First thing that would be nice to know is what age is your defender and which engine do you have ...

Presuming that you have say an original 200tdi then when you refitted your filter there should be an outer rubber sealing ring and a small inner rubber sealing ring. If these aren't seated properly then you will likely drag in air especially if your lift pump is u/s.

The way to check your lift pump is to loosen the bleed screw on the top of the filter housing and then move the arm up and down on your lift pump. The arm sticks out of the rear lift pump. If you don'y get a good spirt of diesel out of the filter then replace your lift pump. However the injection pump should still be able to drag fuel from the tank at a reduced rate even without the lift pump so you will still need to work out where you are dragging in air from. Also check that you closed the drain on the bottom of the filter.

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First thing that would be nice to know is what age is your defender and which engine do you have ...

Presuming that you have say an original 200tdi then when you refitted your filter there should be an outer rubber sealing ring and a small inner rubber sealing ring. If these aren't seated properly then you will likely drag in air especially if your lift pump is u/s.

The way to check your lift pump is to loosen the bleed screw on the top of the filter housing and then move the arm up and down on your lift pump. The arm sticks out of the rear lift pump. If you don'y get a good spirt of diesel out of the filter then replace your lift pump. However the injection pump should still be able to drag fuel from the tank at a reduced rate even without the lift pump so you will still need to work out where you are dragging in air from. Also check that you closed the drain on the bottom of the filter.

It also helps if you fill the filter with diesel before you fit it>

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all you need to do is unscrew the old filter from the fliter head, & screw on the new filter with the larger of the seals around the outer edge fitted. Tdi engines are normally very good at self priming their fuel filters.

above is all I do on my 200Tdi & then let it idle for a few minutes hile you do a leak check.

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I doubt you've damaged anything - the 12J / 19J (2.5 NAD / TD) are often pigs to start after opening up the fuel system

Have you tried to bleed the air out? start with the bleeder on top of the filter, then the one on the pump, then if that doesn't work loosen off the injector unions and make sure no bubbles there either. If you are using the hand lever on the lift pump make sure you can feel resistance (it may be off the cam if not - crank the engine over and try again) and make sure the key is in the on position so the stop solenoid is open.

The pros even recommend tow-starting these beasties once they have air in, you can easily flatten a battery trying

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:huh::(:blush::angry::angry::angry: thats not nice news ive tried to save myself money by doing everything that i can myself and now im in a puddle f#### it!!

yesterday i went out bought everything i need for a 6000 mile service and although i knew some of those things wouldnt be possible myself i thought id "have a go"

now ive got a absolutely flat battery so cant turn the engine anymore either.

boy im having a nice time. but ill soldier on and hopefully youll all find the patiance to help me push this one through.

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i have an 1990 2.5 turbo station wagon and ive been told its a 19j engine.

ive done the nuts up nice an tight but do you suppose ive done any real damage?

Ok, so provided you've done the mounting bolt tight & got the required seals fitted, priming the filter/bleeding the engine is not as easy as a Tdi engine. [not a self beeld system]

doubt you've done any damage

1.charge the battery

2.slacken the fuel bleed bolt on top of the filter

3.use the lift pump handle/lever to get fuel from the tank to filter

4.once you have a good flow of fuel,tighten bleed screw

5.find & slacken the injection pump bleed screw

6. repeat 3 & 4 to bleed the injection pump.

7. slacken each injector pipe in turn & repeat 3 & 4

8. try a engine start, if it's a bit lumpy to begin with just let the engine sort itself, [don't rev it] at idle.

9. when it's running smoothly [not lumpy] go for a short test drive & all should be done.

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If your filter is the type shown in the thread above, then you won't be able to pre-fill it with diesel. It could be that your lift pump is not working. Under normal circumstances this doesn't matter too much, as the fuel will still be pulled up by the injector pump (although you will lose top-end performance). Even with an empty filter - you can still crank it enough to get the fuel through, but it's a close call and the battery would have to be in excellent condition. In circumstances such as yours, I would get a tow start - it only takes a few hundred yards before the engine will fire up. There's a primer lever on the lift pump - if it has no resistance to it, then the foot might be on the cam, so turn the engine 1 turn and try again. If still nothing, then the lift pump has had it. It should still start on a tow though.


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that step by step is like having a mechanic in the living room ;) but how did you get photo number 5? i cant get my head under there to see those rubber rings, i have the two larger rings but the two smaller ones i just cant see to get at.

but enough is enough and im gonna give that pump a good ****ing next weekend out of time for today plus as ive said battery flat and filter is the wrong model.but ill get there one last question where do i buy the correct filter ?


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that step by step is like having a mechanic in the living room ;) but how did you get photo number 5? i cant get my head under there to see those rubber rings, i have the two larger rings but the two smaller ones i just cant see to get at.

but enough is enough and im gonna give that pump a good ****ing next weekend out of time for today plus as ive said battery flat and filter is the wrong model.but ill get there one last question where do i buy the correct filter ?


correct fliter for a TD engined vehicle is RTC6079

one of these will be fine


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