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Bowyers 'Turbo pack'


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just wondering if anyone is using it or thinking of it or something similar. i see hes working towards the challenge scene - over volting, air freespools etc.

would a 12v alternator cope well enough to keep the batteries charged when running the 24V winch?

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Does anyone know how it actually works? If I understand correctly it effectively gives 24V out of a twin battery 12v system. Can anyone confirm this? If this is the case, then for any prolonged winching while using it I would say you would need a pretty massive 12v alt. I would imagine it would be ideal as a quick and easy fix for a bit of extra power for occasional winching. It may be something completely different though, in which case I stand to be corrected!

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bear in mind that dave bowyer runs a toyota landcruiser 80 series.

these vehicles have successfully run a 24v start and 12v run system for years.

I guess he is using the same principles.

my thoughts are that only one battery could get charged if you run a single alternator, whilst you are winching, in boost mode?

I think if this is the case that it could cause premature battery failure?

I havent studied this system though and I may just be jumping to conclusions.

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Hi Folks.

I just grabbed this from his webside:

"This facility

is not really for heavy winching, but is

great for light to medium winching to pull

you across the mud where you don’t have

quite enough grip when winching and

driving. It is also ideal for the rapid

retrieval of all the rope back onto the

empty drum. I say this because the

voltage drops off from 24 volts quite

quickly because your 12 volt alternator

can only top up the two batteries whilst

they are running in parallel.

In practice, the 24 volts drops off to about

18 volts which our Bowmotors seem quite

happy to put up with for short periods. I’m

bound to say, however, don’t expect me

to guarantee a Bowmotor as this is not the

normal done thing! But seeing is

believing, I can assure you. Again, please

look at the website, www.goodwinch.com."

I think it clears it up quite well, I know the system from being used on smaller German truck during the 70' and 80' I think it was Merc's and Hanomag's it was just for the starter everything else was on 12 volts, it worked so that when you turned the key the starter got 24 volts, it is at least 20 years since I last saw such a box but as far as I remember it was the size off two Allbrights or a bit more.

I have however no practical expirence with it.

Kind regards


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I would imagine it would be ideal as a quick and easy fix for a bit of extra power for occasional winching.

i believe you are correct from the link above and you would use 24V for just that - occasional or light load being the issue! spooling in would be better (no load) and if it did spool out too that would be ideal instead of freespooling

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I have been talking to David about both the Turbo pack and air freespool and have been waiting for them to come on line. I think they are both great ideas, if used properly and I for one am going to try them out! (That is after all what Birthday Presents are for right? ;) )

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I got chatting to David Friday at Eastnor where he had his new gadgets on display , And yes the Turbo is purely not for heavy bog winching as the alternator will cut out so no juice going back in to the batteries when the turbo is applied , Nice idea though .

The freespool is a brilliant simple device and does work well , the only critisism is it may need a rubber gaiter or boot over it when its in operation , as the air piston pops up leaving it open to any contamination from mud and dust .

but a very well though out simple idea .

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The Freespool works very well, but as you point out it could be prone to getting muck in it stopping it working. I believe the one that David has is like this (as installed on Orange's Truck) and is a prototype, but the production version will have a slightly different arrangement on top with no flange to trap rubbish in.


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I got chatting to David Friday at Eastnor where he had his new gadgets on display ,

Are David Friday and David Bowyer related Jase :lol: .

I was talking to David (or just listening actually) at the indoor 4x4 at Donnington and he said that this system might be a double drum set up with one winch on top of the other.

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Are David Friday and David Bowyer related Jase :lol: .

I was talking to David (or just listening actually) at the indoor 4x4 at Donnington and he said that this system might be a double drum set up with one winch on top of the other.

Bob - i believe that is in the pipeline

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Hiya James, I would have thought you'd have seen this in the workshop?!

David showed me the other week when I went down to pick up some new rope.

He didn't say how exactly it worked or how it charged! but basicly it takes 2 batteries linked in parallel & converts them to run in series (ie 24v). So they still charge via a 12v alt. The 'trick' (if you can call it that!) is that the voltage fairly rapidly drops to a more stable 18v ish because it's only being charged at 12v. Whereas 24v (overvolting) is more like 26v!!! The motors are much happier with this. Apperently!

The TDS winch he had rigged up was very impressive, nice speed.

I'd love to know why it's only for light loads or unloaded though???

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yep i have seen it, and saw his demo at Eastnor over the weekend. just wondered if anyone was actually using it yet or planning to really.

I'd love to know why it's only for light loads or unloaded though???

because the batteries wont last long enough i would of thought

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

I'm looking at the turbo kit at the moment, however (correct me if I'm wrong) when you are winching in on 24v, you are only charging 1 battery as the Aux battery flicks to draw only, when you release the switch the turbo box supplies power back to both batteries, thus if using for heavy winching you could completely drain the second battery and thus over time it will fail.

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Zulublue, you are correct, but the instructions with the pack warn you of that eventuality. It shouldn't be used when slogging through a bog. It is to get a bit more speed on the pulls when you are not working the winch really hard. If you use it like that, it works brilliantly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have turbo pack installed for a while and i it is working well( TDS9.5 deep drum). it is switching from paralel circuit to serial. I must not have anything esle connected to second battery. Alternator is still connected to primary battery and when it is in 24V mode alternator is charging only primary battery. When in 12V mode batteries are paralel so it is charging both.

when comes to winching it is always more than just slight pull. And sometimes i am using also 24V for more than medium pulls to gain extra power without any problem so far.

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