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Winch training

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After much debate on wether or not to fit a winch for the trip, I bit the bullet & went for it. My reasoning being that hopefully it would pay for itself the first time I used it in anger on some bad African road.

Right....now I have one, I need to know how to use it properly & safely, so that when the time comes, I can do it right.

Is there anyone close to me that would be willing to show me how to use it properly please?

Many thanks


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All I would say is that you should be commended for asking

I see so many newbies with winches and they have no idea and put themselves and worse still

others at exterme risk, we all have to learn at some point, at the start is a F good place

Often I find I learn more the more I do, ..we never stop learning - and never foget that....

in fact walk away from someone who says they know it all, ....every recovery can have its dangers,

always be aware ....and always know that nobody knows it all, whatever they may say....

anyway .... :)

I hope that someone will offer, if not then look at the SLRC web site and look at the Drive Round Days

for the rest of this year, I hope to be at them, if you don't get any joy, and can make the trip, come and spend the day

with me in the passenger seat as I will be marshalling and would be happy to oblidge for the day


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Vince Cobley runs a winch and recovery course which is a good starting ground, look on the PROTRAX website for contact details, its a reasonable course, but thats in my own humble oppinion, you may find it of some help, or take Nige up on his offer, its a good way to learn, watching others and seeing how they do it in the realtime ,



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Thanks Nige.

I was a little worried about asking this question at first, then an old saying came back to me: "Ask a question and look like a fool for five minutes; or dont ask the question and look live a fool forever"

I always try to read the threads on this forum that relate to winches & recovery, and the issues of safety always come up. ie "I cant believe he attached his doodah to the googus THERE!" and I can never really see what the problem is.....it looks like the place that I would use/is easiest etc.

I dont want to learn any bad habits, so thought I would ask for pointers from people who know what they are on about. They were all busy, so I tried LR4x4 instead! :lol: Sorry, just joking....asked here first!

I may well take you up on the seat in your vehicle when you are marshalling, as that would be a very good time to see REAL recovery's, rather than created situations.

BOW, I have already thought about giving Vince a call, and he is not very far from me at all.

Thing is, I am tighter than a ducks butt with my money lately :( the trip is bankrupting me as it is, and I only want to spend money where absolutely necessary, and a training lesson at Protrax is not cheap.

You could argue that, for the very reason I asked this question, spending the money on the lesson would be money well spent.

However there is a wealth of information in the members of this forum, and I would rather meet some new people who can give me the lesson for the cost of some coffee and lunch, and show me because they WANT to, not because it is a business transaction.

If worse comes worse, I WILL go to Protrax, as I would also like to be able to pick someones brains about the changes in the vehicle handling dynamics now that I have the substantial weight of rooftents & rack mounted gear.


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Geez, just had a look at both the Protrax & LROAC websites.......winch training at Protrax is £195 and £325 via LROAC, which is odd as they are one and the same.

Either way, that is a lot of money :(

Steve, thanks for the offer! Where are you exactly? I think i will take you up on that. I dont have to confine myself to one person showing me either.....if you show me the basics, then I wont look completely green & wet behind the ears when somebody else shows me more!

Thank you guys! :)


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Well all i can say is that the £55 course i did involves using your own vehicle and learning how to winch/recover safely using your kit- in my opinion better than a course using someone else's kit as it's all different. You also get to drive the LRE course at rockingham as well.

Just my 2p.


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Martin, there is no such thing as a silly question, there is such a thing as a stupid answer though!

For overland trips do not buy cheap gear as it will not last. Especially so with recovery gear.

Any fool can be uncomfortable whilst travelling. What will last/be bearable for the odd week or two away can easily fall apart when you are travelling for many months. Also think of what will happen if you break or lose a bit of kit and its effect on your safety i.e. leave your wheel brace in the long grass when changing a wheel then next time you need to change a wheel you could be in serious trouble for the lack of a 27mm socket!

Work out your budget and then treble it!



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on david bower's website there is a section in the "winching info" area on "learning winching techniques" quite a few pages of fairly usefull reading just to give you a bit of a head start.

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I can show you how I use mine if you wish. Not to far from you, I'm in Herts (SG11). I'm no instructor, but don't want to see a willing learner missing out.

Vince Cobley (Pro-Trax) is doing a winch training course on June 26th and July 27th, it is £55 via LRO. If you want to go with some one else let me know.


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If you want to learn properly and get a recognised certificate which would satisfy the HSE, you need to be thinking in terms of either a LANTRA course or the NPTC.

As BishBosh says, speak to someone like David "HonitonHobbit" Lovejoy, JST, or a recognised instructor for advice. It shouldn't cost you more than about £60 or so.

If you fancy a trip down this way (Somerset) I'm sure we could sort something out for you.


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Don't know where you are in Beford but I'm a member of Milton Keynes 4x4 - If you want to come to a meeting as my guest - we meet on the first Tuesday of each month - there are a number of us who would be happy to pass on our experience and knowledge - PM me if you want more details


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