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Billing or Newark

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Being tired due to the work being hard is just a load of old tosh.

I work in the service industry (i run a Costa Coffee) and we all have off days, hard days, stressful days & days where we just cant be bothered.

At the end of the day, if a customer comes in, you really ought to be bending over backwards for their custom, because if you give poor or indifferent service, they will vote with their feet.

I have a queue to my door 7 days a week in my coffee shop, and that is down to me recruiting the right staff, who all have the right attitude, and me leading by example.

If I dont give first class service 100% of the time, my customers can go to any one of the other 7 coffee shops in Bedford.

I am talking about a cup of coffee that costs £2.50, so I find it despicable that a company with a reputation for quality has lost out on several thousand £££'s due to what basically amounts to ineptitude.

I find it hard to believe that they were ALL tired ALL weekend. If you cant give customer service, be it at a show or at your office....then do something else for a living.

My part time job is along the similar lines to Martin and i cannot agree more with him. I work for a catering company that runs a two restaurants on one site, runs the many restaurants at a very well known tourist attraction in London, and also a catering service outside of our base.

You cannot afford to give bad service - people dont come back. Some days its tricky for some people. An all day catering job over an hour from base for several hundred people, finshing on the job at 2/3am then back to base to unpack. Next day some are in by about 7 to wash everything that was used. Spending the whole day washing around the usual restaurant crockery etc. the next night could be the same!

This is our busiest time of year other than Xmas parties time, and we may have a week where there is a late finishing job every night! No matter what happens, the customer/client will always see a smile and have a cheery hello and service they are more than happy with. And the service is the same whether it is for a posh school party of if it is in the clients home for a private party.

Service is the be all and end all of a successful business.

On a differnent note, Glad to hear they are on different dates next year! Hopefully get to both! Looking forward to them already!

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As for getting there, well, how much road do you want? the A1 is 2 junctions away, the A46 is an simple journey. The Newark site is a proper showground, so the infrastructure is OK. Getting into the Newark show was probably easier than Peterborough, and that's hardly difficult. I've only been to Billing once, (during the flood), and I don't intend to repeat the experience.

Newark is 79 miles from house and took 3 hours.

Billing is 74 and it takes around 1.5 hours.

A46 is ok and to get on the A1 would take even longer.

I like the Newark showground and supporting infrastucture. Its a pity Newark was not a bit more central so it would appeal to more people. If you are going to compete with Billing you need to have something a bit special.

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Your wish has been answered. The two shows won't clash next year. They're exactly one week apart!

Hate to say this Kev but you are wrong

LRM originally annouced Newark as 23/24/25th July 2010

LRO announced Billing as 16/17/18th July 2010 after the LRM announcement

People much happier in general terms.

Now LRM has announced revised dates as 16/17/18th July 2010 See HERE at bottom of page.

So blame for clash next year is firmly at LRM doorstep!



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My first ever LR show so no axe to grind/no loyalty to one publication or another. I'm just about to get a landy so wanted to look at all the shiney bits etc. 5 of us went to newark including 2 kids and one grandpa :blink: . really enjoyed it, very well organised, clean,safe and plenty to do for the day. Thought the off road course looked great fun and i'm back there next year!

Criticism?........Was a bit light on the stalls, so this rerritorial pissing from lro/lrm is pointless, someone just move the dates :rolleyes:

Very impressed with mobile storage solutions..will be along soon to spend money, devon 4x4 very helpful, britpart/foundry, excellent advice will buy wheels from them

good day all in all

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What a great show we could have if both Magazines pooled their resorces and ran just one big show!

Exactly what is needed but with one little extra - the Show must be one based by the LR trade and promoted by all the magazines. I feel the mags are already too influential over the industry and wish the 'Big Show' could be independant of any mag leaving them to carry the adverts and promote the Show and report on it rather than trying to gain a monopoly on LR industry / hobby

Will not happen i am sure as the mags will not give up what they have and can make out of the shows but a move away from leading the fashion and reporting on it by the magazines would I am sure result in a better Show and hobby all round


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One summer show in a central location with all present, magazines and traders alike. Drop the one up manship and all pull together.

Likewise I think an indoor winter show would also be a move in the right direction again with all present. ( I know that isnt exactly in line with the whole camping theme but I think it would still get a fair share of visitors)

Sound like a good idea?

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I went to Newark ,as slightly closer to me in Wales. What a waste of a day! Drove 150miles (from my blokes place in Staffs) to buy a bag of screws and a cheese toastie. :(

Seemed to me that a lot of people were using the Friday to set up,which i suppose is ok if your busy all week, but not if the entrance fee is the same for all three days!! :angry:

Thought it was VERY ignorant of Britpart to spend all day setting up there ,fenced off,area.

Most stall holders were very unapproachable, couldnt be a$s*d attitude all round.

You would think with the way things are moneywise at the mo that these companies would be falling over themselves to promote there goods, not so it seems.

Went home after 4 hours and after drying out and thawing over a cup of tea, went on the web and bought my goodies(not from Britpart!), which is where i should have got them from in the first place. <_<

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Me and my family thoroughly enjoyed the newark show, so much so that my wife has said we have to go for the whole weekend next year :rolleyes: (never thought that would happen). We went on the friday and found all the traders very helpfull especially the guys on the devon 4x4 stand. Most of the stands were set up or in the process of setting up friday am but i expected that though and all but britpart were ready by 10.30 ish. Britpart did not open till later in the afternoon, but I was not really bothered as i wont buy there stuff. Loved the G4 stand was great for the kids. I also liked the layout of the show, and the program was easy to follow. I think if a few more traders had given it ago, it would of made for a fantastic show that would of easily rivaled billing.

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Also spent a very worthwhile hour or so at Ashcrofts' stand while Phil gave an excellent demo on stripping and reassembling an LT230. I like to do this kind of job myself so I now have expert advise on correctly shimming and setting bearing preloads. I think it is fantastic that these people are prepared to give time and patience. Well done Ashcrofts!

thanks very much, it was one of the builders that suggested the 'live build demo' and I was a bit unsure but thought we would try it, went down quite well and added something different to our stand, (I showed your note to Phil, he was chuffed).

overall we enjoyed the show, sales is not our aim at these things we just want to show what we do and meet the customers and the traders you speak to on the phone all year but rarely meet.

thanks to all who dropped by for a look and a chat,

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thanks very much, it was one of the builders that suggested the 'live build demo' and I was a bit unsure but thought we would try it, went down quite well and added something different to our stand, (I showed your note to Phil, he was chuffed).

overall we enjoyed the show, sales is not our aim at these things we just want to show what we do and meet the customers and the traders you speak to on the phone all year but rarely meet.

thanks to all who dropped by for a look and a chat,

I spent some time on the Ashcroft stand speaking to Mr Ashcroft senior. He suggested that Ashcrofts shafts were not necessary for my 110, although he was willing to take my money :P That is genuine advice and not advice based on trying to get a sale. So another well done to the Ashcroft team.



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yeah i too enjoyed the ashcroft stand, a very professional display of drivetrain, i particularly liked the difflock setups. The stand got quite a lot of interest from a couple of mates who dont have land rovers or any clue about the mechanicals of cars.

Overall i thought billing was excellent, went with a party of ten and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves even though the weather was carp on friday and sunday. Definately going to go again although i think the showers could definately do with some improvement. other than that everything else was top notch, my first landy show and i was overwhelmed as to how good it was. Oh and i got my disco rather filthy!


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I meant to mention the Ashcroft stand too - very inspired having a gearbox building demonstration! Could we have a competitive gearbox build in the arena next year? ;) Perhaps like they used to do on the 'generation game'? I think you should bring back the CV breaking machine that you had at Billing in 2006 - that was uber-cool!

I can see why LRM would re-schedule the show so it is not a week after billing. I don't think I could cope with two shows on the trot - I'm that tired after one. The second show would be empty.

I would like to see one of the two move to August as it is fairly empty.


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Could we have a competitive gearbox build in the arena next year?

Isn't that how Britpart got started? :ph34r:

Mind you, would beat the beardy dwarf waxing lyrical about period tyre tread patterns for 15 minutes :rolleyes:

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Just to let you know that the whole D&G team arrived safe at home.

I really enjoyed the show and credits should go to Andy and his team for the good organisation.

Pictures of the BBQ will be soon on the D&G blog

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I went to billing last year and throughly enjoyed it and came away counting the days to returning, however with the two show fiasco I did a lot of reading up and decided on newark this year, we booked three nights camping which was cold and wet but the organisers could not be held accountable for the weather of course but dissapointingly most of the traders took until late saturday to actually set up there was very little auto jumble and what there was, was overpriced scrap. Trader prices where not that cheaper than I could have got them for online the only saving realy was postage, I struggled to get the items I planned on, we made the easy decision on the stormy friday night to leave the next day as we did which was the highlight of the trip going home to dry out, I spent a fortune and deeply regret attending, never again will I attend a show when it clashes with another, it is a diluted version and not worth the time and money, also next year if I attend any I plan to go down on the friday and stay in the comfort of a premier inn etc and return on the saturday, which will be cheaper and much better than roughing it in a tent with tye rain and wind and cheaper too as camping cost me lots with all the equipment I had to buy that will probably rarely get used again!

The portaloo toilets did not have water in so everyone was left standing with squirty soap on their hands and no water not to mention what the toilets smelled like with no means of flushing them :o

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Shame I didn't know you were there Col, it would have been good to catch up over a beer at lunchtime on Saturday.



Next time mate. Was keeping my eye out for you over the weekend, but sadly did`nt manage to catch up with you.

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Enjoyed the Billing Show. It was my tenth year exhibiting there and I did not feel that attendance was down significantly over the previous year. Thanks to all the customers who dropped by our booth.

Ray Wood


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One summer show in a central location with all present, magazines and traders alike. Drop the one up manship and all pull together.

Likewise I think an indoor winter show would also be a move in the right direction again with all present. ( I know that isnt exactly in line with the whole camping theme but I think it would still get a fair share of visitors)

Sound like a good idea?

TOR run a Winter (Feb) indoor show at Donington every year! As for one show independant of, or supproted by all mags, yep I agree. But then lets make it an all makes 4x4 show - not just Landrover.

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TOR run a Winter (Feb) indoor show at Donington every year!

Not any more they don't as the building has been demolished to fit F1 racing at the circuit. The new venue is at Staffordshire showground IIRC, and will be in March. Details will be announced in due course I guess.


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