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recon gearbox supplier???


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hi all any one know where i can get a cheapish recon gearbox for my 98 disco 300 tdi manual??

have looked at ashcroft.s )would be my first choice as never heard a bad word against them) and its approx £500+vat + £350 exchange surcharge and thats more than i can afford right now :(

so any one know of any cheaper places???


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if you can take your gearbox out and send it to ascrofts so no surcharge applies but if you have to pay you should get surcharge back, be carfull who you use as some recons are not properly done and it becomes false economy if its not got a good after sales policy, my choice would be ascrofts,


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At least if you buy from ashcrofts its going to last along time, but if money doesnt allow maybe just a 2nd hand box would do and save for a ashcrofts recon with the money saved, There are tons of discos being broken out there so plenty of choice.


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i must confess i would prefer a ashcroft based purely on reputation (as stated above i have never heard a bad word about there work/products)

and the car will be doing lots of towing next year <_<

hmm pennies will be getting hammered i think :(


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You get what you pay for ... a cheap recon will be just that, corners cut.

As Les said, recon in some people's eyes means a can of Gunk and a can of paint ... may well be more of the "con" and less of the "re"! The downside being you end up getting a proper job done anyway and overall you spend more money and have more hassle.

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see this thread.


I have used CS gears and the gearbox & transfer box are still fine two years later and 30,000 miles.

Oil seal between boxes leaking (main I think) and the rear oil seal on the transfer box is weeping.

He did an excellent price and also disco geared by transfer box.

I think we are all agreed that Ashcrofts have a good predigree but if your counting the pennies as we all are at the moment....

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hi all any one know where i can get a cheapish recon gearbox for my 98 disco 300 tdi manual??

have looked at ashcroft.s )would be my first choice as never heard a bad word against them) and its approx £500+vat + £350 exchange surcharge and thats more than i can afford right now :(

so any one know of any cheaper places???



You have 3 choices



or even Ashcrofts

Failing that would rather take my chance with a unit from a scrapper than one of the so called re-con jobs that are on the market.


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Its worth putting in a good box as the misery of having to take out a gearbox again because of an issue with it be it recon/2nd hand is a killer, learned this lesson years ago and now if funds permit fit and forget an Ashcroft unit.

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I don't pretend we get it right every time but I like to think we sort it out when it does go wrong

And there is the critical point.

Anyone can sell you something. There are very few that a) make sure you get what you actually want and b ) put things right on the occasions things do go wrong.

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