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Gearbox removal


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Hey all, Have taken all the floor panels, and the seat box off ready to remove the gearbox to rebuild, should be out this afternoon. (Looks like I may have to remove the exhaust to do so).

After taking all the panels off tho. I was faced with a rather crusty looking footwell that has been welded up rather badly! So I have potentially given myself another job. Which is to remove the bulkhead and get that worked on (galved etc.)

So a few questions.

Firstly when I drained the oil out of the gearbox i found a few broken bits of metal about 15x5mm, very thin, could this be the cause of not being able to engage first gear?

Secondly whilst I have this section of chassis exposed I want to clean it up properly and and paint it. Is it possible to paint it any colour I want and just spray the clear waxoyl over it. Also I want to do inside the box sections, Do I just get the waxoyl spray and pump it in?

Thirdly with the bulkhead being rather crusty, I want to ideally take the bulkhead out. What's the minimum number of pieces that I need to remove to do this. This is being done outside the house on the side of the road (no alternatives unless someone kindly has a garage in the east london area :-P) So The only cover it will have will be a tarp to keep the weather off it.

Probably will have a few more questions later but thanks in advance.


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Phew - bulkhead out by the roadside!

Remove, floor, doors, wings, bonnet.

Disconnect brake & clutch lines, wiring, longitudinal steering rod at the box, unbolt box from chassis bracket, throttle linkage, choke cable, heater pipes.

Undo all the bolts from the top of the windscreen (or disconnect canvas support bars if a rag-top).

There may be other bits I can't recall, but then you can get the whole lot into the front room to dismantle further.

A good rinse down in the bath and you should be able to see exactly what's needed.

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Phew - bulkhead out by the roadside!

Remove, floor, doors, wings, bonnet.

Disconnect brake & clutch lines, wiring, longitudinal steering rod at the box, unbolt box from chassis bracket, throttle linkage, choke cable, heater pipes.

Undo all the bolts from the top of the windscreen (or disconnect canvas support bars if a rag-top).

There may be other bits I can't recall, but then you can get the whole lot into the front room to dismantle further.

A good rinse down in the bath and you should be able to see exactly what's needed.

The only other things will be minor ones like the speedo cable and the bulhead stay bars (if fittid). The bulkhead to chassis bolts will also be an arse, so have plenty of Swearium TM grease handy.

Methinks Mr. Barton is joking somewhat: any fule kno that a bulkhead will not fit in a barf, you need a hot tub (good swirly action for paint stripper too).

The bits of metal sound like a shim: which model / 'box? Gear selection may be affected, but an appropriate adult will know for sure.

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No I wouldn't be able to put the Bulkhead in the front room... I would be rapidly dismantled :-p.. and besides it gets in the way of the Xbox!


The gearbox was not engaging 1st gear (and the other gears were beginning to go a bit lumpy)

I have removed the gearbox assy (lump of 4x4, some rope and some muscle!) And now I am trying to identify it!

The landy is a series 3 88' of 1983 vintage. I have written down all numbers in the castings but am not sure what suffix I should be looking at!

The gearbox itself has a very small stamp of EC cast on the left hand side near the top and on the other side is cast:




The transfer box is



and finally the front output shaft housing is



So what should I be looking for?!?

It is fully syncro.

I have separated the main gbox from the rest and have started to break it down. The problems looks like it is with the 1st/2nd gear synchromesh unit. (at least thats what the haynes manual calls it) It clicks one way to engage in second gear. But dosn't seem to want to go far enough in the other direction. I can't see what is stopping it even after removing it from the shaft. Is it a consumable item? And can i get new ball-bearings (I dropped 2 of the ball's that are part of the selector shaft mechanism)

Are there any before/after or new/warn comparison pics so I can identify what parts are worn and what parts are ok.. Personally all the gears themselves look ok but just to confirm.

Well thanks in advance


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Ok scrap all that

I found the code stamped on the top casting



So it is an A suffix g/box but it is fitted to a late landy... hmmmmmm

I thought the A suffix g/boxes are generally the weaker.

Anyway rebuild time :-p

What is the best company to supply parts?


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I've had a very high rate of problems with Series 3 repro parts.

http://www.lrseries.com/ supply genuine as well as repro - find out what you're getting.

While you've got the thing in bits be sure to replace the 3rd/4th synchro springs - they fall out for fun and can jam the box if they turn over, and may have been responsible for the breakage of the layshaft in a Series 2a box.

Be careful ordering. The number you've quoted is indeed a number for an early Series 3 box - but of course its on the transfer box. Its possible that the main gearbox doesn't belong and may be later. There's one like this sitting on my workshop floor!

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