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aghhhhhh!!! oil out of the exhaust

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Just went to drive my 300tdi 90 for the first time ( was going for its mot, i new i was pushing my luck) The exhaust is smoking a bit (white smoke) but not excessively. I went about 2 miles and decided to just give it a check over and found i had oil coming out of the exhaust and all of the joins right up to the manifold. The oil is very black and thin.

What could cause this? ive taken of the intercooler pipes and the front one was clean and the turbo one was slightly oiled, The air pipe and box is clean. There is no play in the turbo as far as i could tell and the engine seamed to be running fine. I have just changed the cambelt and all of the bearings and seals. Its got a new ali sport intercooler but the pump has not been tweaked. Its had a new stering pump, water pump and thermostat and an oil and filter change.

Please help ive managed to get mot booked again for tomorrow afternoon as i need it on the road by friday!

thanks jason

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There's not many places that oil can get into the exhaust and remain unburnt. Turbo seal springs to mind, but you usually get oil on the cold side of the turbo. Valve stem seals/guides on the exhaust perhaps, which then gets blown into the exhaust downpipe. I'd take the manifold off and see if any of the exhaust ports are oily. Perhaps a stem seal has lifted, in which case you can press it back into place with a bit of fiddly work with a couple of screwdrivers.


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I put in 15/40 non synthetic oil. The oil light did flicker very slightly but not for very long. The residue that came out of the exhaust was quite watery where it was coming out of the exhaust joints, i wouldnt of been concerned if there was not quite so much. I have taken the exhaust of now and it does not appear to be blowing anything out now. So could it of just been a build up of residue in the turbo?. This is turning into a bit of a nightmare now as the bloody head lights have stoped working as well!!

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Well i hope so, as i cant get a turbo from anywhere by tomorrow! Think i will now seal up all the joints on the exhaust as they were obviously not very good, i had just assembled them dry with no paste. The only bit that did seam to be oily was where it was on the bodywork, at the back. The rest of it on the exhaust was watery and has now dried off.

Thanks for the help

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Well i hope so, as i cant get a turbo from anywhere by tomorrow! Think i will now seal up all the joints on the exhaust as they were obviously not very good, i had just assembled them dry with no paste. The only bit that did seam to be oily was where it was on the bodywork, at the back. The rest of it on the exhaust was watery and has now dried off.

Thanks for the help

I've had something very similar myself after doing a Disco 200Tdi transplant into a Defender 90.

The engine in question had been lying on it's side, with the turbo on the bottom, for quite some time prior to installation. On first start up, there was a lot of oil and smoke and the exhaust joints leaked oil in much the same way as you describe. I put it down to oil gathering in the turbo over a period of time whilst the engine was on it's side.

Once the engine had been run for a bit the smoke/oil stopped and it's been fine since.



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sounds like a damp/wet exhaust system drying out, if the turbo seals had gone the engine runs away, huge volumes of smoke and a terrific clatter from the motor, if you cant stall it out in a very short space of time it burns off all the engine oil and its a new motor instead a new turbo

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You say that you drove two miles and it sounds like this was probably after a long-ish lay up. So you probably weren't pushing the engine and I don't suppose it was more than partially warmed up. So it sounds most likely to me that what you have observed is condensation mixed with soot and if so then nothing to worry about. Your subsequent observation that 'it has all dried up' rather confirms this and the statement that it is worse around the tail pipe is also consistent with a newly awakened motor with a newly assembled exhaust.

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Just my 2pence worth..

I had a whole load of oil come out the exhaust of my 200TDi 90 at a shire event one day, I stopped the engine as soon as we realised. Got it towed home (thanks mr. AA man....I was greenlaning honest!?) and found the engine had taken on some water, probably through the dipstick. The water had gone directly into the sump and with water being heavier than oil it sat at the bottom, pushing the oil up and out my exhaust.

Worth considering if you'd been near any reasonably deep water before it got laid up for some time..


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Thanks for all the replies. Panic is now over! i got it home and took all the pipes off cleaned up the oil and put it all back together and it now runs fine. It does not even smoke any more even under heavy acceleration. Took it for its mot test this afternoon it passed the emmisions test fine so it all looks to be ok now. I am guessing that it was a build up of oil in the turbo due to it being stood for so long, and being tipped up during instalation. Failed the mot in the end but only due to the main lights deciding to stop working!! got a retest tomorrow.

Thanks Jason

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