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Raptor Console

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yes we bought one at billing this year and since fitted it.

Very easy to fit just took an angle grinder to the dash and two screws hold it in. Very sturdy in there and yes it does reduce the amount of storage on the dash alot more than the mud consoles.

Will take some pictures tomorrow and post them up for you.

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To me the biggest drawback with those is throwing away good junk storage space on the dash. There is no storage space anywhere in a Defender, why throw away what little there is ?


Not an issue, i have a MSS cubby box that already hold's far too much rubbish....

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Not an issue, i have a MSS cubby box that already hold's far too much rubbish....

I too have a steel cubby box. I would still like somewhere else to put stuff that I need to hand... I even have side pockets in the seat covers.

As well as two long pencil boxes on the dash top.


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how much space for junk do you lot need :P how about a trailer? :rofl:

Maps. Country guides. Animal reconition books. Birds reconition books. Gloves. Sun glasses. Sun cream. Midge repellant. Pencils. Note book. Spare cig lighter sockets. Phone chargers. Torch chargers. Just a fw things lying in my dash. None of which are convienient to get at from a locked cubby box. I do travel for up to six months at a time...


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These dash consoles are fantastic, have one fitted to my truck, bought at manby, i have custom pannels fitted in to mine, they cut them for me, i just gave them the measurements, top kit, well made and well thought out, IMHO far better than a plastic dash,

all the best,


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I would differ from the above view as they are very sturdy when installed.

The only thing i would do to mine is get it polished but that is probably because its lying in the garage with the windows open. :unsure:

Anyway.. pictures as promised:



We are planning to place 2 dials in the space next to the CB.

Also the surround around the dials is from Raptor-Engineering also.


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had to cut away the section of the dash that holds the fag lighter , its not a problem, the template is supplied, i used a 4.5" slimline cutting disk, took 10 minutes to fit,i can not praise these highly enough, top quality, ally panels available for any fitment, and can also be anodized in various colours,

the bloke is a top man, chatted to him for ages about various bits he could be making, and he is vary keen, he runs a 90 himself, thats how these dashes came about, like me he did not like the plastic dashes available, so set to and developed his own,

he has invested a lot of time and money into his new venture, and I'll be buying more of his products as they come along, well worth the money he asks for his products,

i have no connection with this company by the way, just very inpressed with the service, the product, and the man himself, he deserves to succeed in these turbulent times we are having, and yes i do know what I'm talking about, I'm a time served engineer with over 20 years experience under my belt, and no, i could not be arsed to make one myself, why bother when a product is good value for money...

all the best,


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so its bigger, sturdier, easy to fit and cheaper than the plastic jobbies?

no brainer really.

guess whats just gone on my Christmas shopping list, means my stereo might actually fit properly instead of rattling around the rubbish plastic tray thats too small.......

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can you advise on whether this unit significantly blocks the airflow from the windscreen vents, and also would it be possible to take a pic of the gap between the unit and the steering wheel as this seems to be avoided on the website.


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Could you fit a CB and stereo side by side in the top section? Looked on his website and that seems to be a set up not shown!

Would this be as it makes the panel to weak?

I wonder if this guy could make a good ceiling console ? Now that would be the dogs danglies.

You can pretty much have it cut (although at a cost £10 a panel) to what you want or just order blanks and cut them yourself.

Roof console would be a great idea you may want to suggest it to him as I believe the only 1 available is the ARB and that cost £250-300

It shouldn't effect the the windscreen vent as they are behind the gray plastic panel(certainly no more than TD5 style or after market designs) which this looks to sit up against.

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the unit does not affect the vents in any way, as they are behind the grey plastic facia, and this unit buts up to this pannel, fitting two cb's side by side would not be a problem as he suplys extra mounting brackets that mount inside the casing on the main frame cross brace, hope this helps,



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