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Engine cutout swiches


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i was looking through theseare they suitable as an engine cut out for a challenge truck vehicle electrics rather than the winches. i am after one with protection for the alternators, but the 2nd one down doesnt look as capable in that it doesnt give any ratings and what ratings would i need? its a diesel if that makes any odds

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I'll second an FIA battery master switch, not only as a cut out switch but a security measure as well.

Now I know there's more than a few of you on here who compete.

So !! Has anybody had problems with the metal bit on the key wearing and causing problems ? I've been told it's a big problem. I've not had a problem in five years with one on my present truck, nor on any rally car ?

Oh yes, the other thing I was told, the switch is easily overridable. I haven't managed to do that. Answeres on how by PM please.


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So !! Has anybody had problems with the metal bit on the key wearing and causing problems ? I've been told it's a big problem. I've not had a problem in five years with one on my present truck, nor on any rally car ?

I unknowingly swapped keys with a mate (slightly different switch/key) and when hot the circuit kept intermitantly closing. Swapped the key back and the problem disappeared.


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No need to have a fancy switch!!

Just put the charge supply from the altenator the battery side of any isolater and this will kill the engine as soon as it is switched off and any charge from the altenators will stil go to the batteries!

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This defeats the object of the isolator, which is to kill all power.

This is a fail at scrutineering.

I'd be amazed if a scrutineer would fail this arrangement. Most scrutineers seem unable to accurately measure wheel spacers never mind follow all your wiring to figure out if the alternator power cable is isolated ! the MSA reg simply states that the switch should isolate all circuits. If you want to be pedantic it could be argued that having the alternator power feed connected to the vehicle side of the isolator also doesn't meet this requirement :)

IME the only test I've ever seen done on an isolator switch is to ensure that the engine stops when it's activated. Connecting the alternator to the battery side of the switch passes this test.

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I'd be amazed if a scrutineer would fail this arrangement. Most scrutineers seem unable to accurately measure wheel spacers never mind follow all your wiring to figure out if the alternator power cable is isolated ! the MSA reg simply states that the switch should isolate all circuits. If you want to be pedantic it could be argued that having the alternator power feed connected to the vehicle side of the isolator also doesn't meet this requirement :)

IME the only test I've ever seen done on an isolator switch is to ensure that the engine stops when it's activated. Connecting the alternator to the battery side of the switch passes this test.

So if you do that why doesn't the engine run on the alternator power as the alternator is still running ?


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Because even if the alternator is running, its on the BATTERY side of the isolator? Therefore the alternator is isolated from the rest of the vehicles electrical systems just like the battery is?

The only component that would see power from the alternator with the switch off is the battery?

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I've seen race cars wired up this way, and the battery back feeds through the alternator connection to keep it running, that's why the diode system.

We start the car and switch off with the isolator it should all stop, I've also seen cars where the engine stops but the lights are still on, or at least the rain light.

I admit we can't check all the wiring but we will do our best in limited time.

Remember the Blue Book states that it is the competitors responsibility to ensure his vehicle is within the rules as the scrutineer cannot check everything in the limited time available.

Individual scrutineers check on different things, so you may well get caught out in the end.

It's in your own best interests to get it right, as it's your life on the line in a crash or fire.

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I've seen race cars wired up this way, and the battery back feeds through the alternator connection to keep it running, that's why the diode system.

If it's done properly so the only connection from the alternator output goes direct to the battery and the vehicle electrics all run from the non-battery side of the isolator I can't see how the vehicle could run on. It's like saying that the vehicle would run on when you switch the ignotion off because the battery is still connected to the alternator.

Also as mentioned it's not a diode it's a load resistor for the alternator to dump any residual 'power' through.

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presumably the other method of bleeding power would be thru the alternator warning light.

Usually with the ignition on and the engine running both sides of the bulb are at 12v, no PD, no illumination. If the alternator was producing no output, the alternator side would drop to 0v and current would flow, lighting the bulb.

Similarly though if the alternator side was still at 12v, but the other side dropped to 0v because you've just killed the master switch, some power could leak thru the bulb, and MIGHT be enough to keep for instance a stop solenoid on a diesel open.

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